18 October

It Feels Good To Do Good. The Boots Work, And Buttons Are Okay For The Amish (Except When They Are Not)

by Jon Katz

Two e-mails, sent this morning within a few minutes of one another;

“Jon, you are transferring your acknowledged mental illness onto Moise and his family. This post that you have just written depicts a mentally unstable individual desperate to buy love. It’s invasive and creepy, and clearly, Moise is unable to tell you to back off and leave his family to live their lives in peace. You’re embarrassing yourself, and you need a strong reality check.”Charles Herdt.

Proverbs 15: does “a soft answer turneth away wrath”?  – Jill D

I brought two things over to Amish first thing: new boots for young Joe, a slightly used Messenger Bag for Barbara and Moise when they travel.

It felt good to see how happy Joe was to get those boots. Moise’s boots are coming later in the week.

Two of the girls asked if I could get some boots for them; theirs are wearing out also. They will pay (at a discount.) My rule is this: if it’s my idea, I pay; they reimburse me if it’s their request.  It works out well; we understand one another.

The boots were my idea, inspired by the hole in Moise’s.

I was also pleased to see how appreciative Barbara was of the messenger bag. I guessed right; the bag is unadorned and thus acceptable. I’m learning what is good and what isn’t.

The Amish travel so often on trains and busses and cram sandwiches, addresses, receipts in their pockets. This is a plain bag with no frills. It was mine, and I have a different bag, one that can hold a camera easily. In my driving, I have noticed that some Amish carry bags to keep the things they need for the trip.

I delivered two boxes of plastic cups and one box of pie pans; FedEx brought them today. I think they are planning Halloween bars and candies for the cups.

I also brought John, Moise’s sun, some copies of his lumber price lists. I do the xerox copying for him; I have a copying machine.

This felt good. The family uses boots almost every day of the year. It feels good to know I can help make sure they have them for the winter. Barbara also corrected me on one thing: the Amish sometimes use buttons, especially on their clothes.

My idea from 2016 holds. It is so much better to do good than to argue about what interest is.

But I was still curious about the button issue.

If buttons are okay on clothes, I asked Barbara, are buttons or snaps are permitted on shoes? “No,” she said. ‘How come?,” I asked. “I don’t know, she said, laughing. I told her about my revelation: the Amish are plan, but not simple. Perhaps this is a vanity thing, a guy thing.

She was still laughing when I left the kitchen. (Tomorrow, some of the girls are coming to see Maria help her skirt (clean) the wool before we take it to the mill this weekend. They came to help last year, and they all had a blast,


    1. I have to be honest, Sherry I feel badly for him. I don’t need to block him, he’s been outed, he’ll never show up again.If they don’t think they can do harm, they just go somewhere else. It’s not about me, it’s about whoever he comes across.

    1. Jody, I’ve learned its good to out these people once in a while, they are invariably cowards and broken in some way, they go away and never return. Perhaps they are still able to be embarrassed.

  1. You do good deeds because it makes you feel good. There is nothing wrong with that. Telling about your mental health should never be used against you. It’s actually therapeutic. I admire all the good you and Maria do for others. It’s inspiring. Some people have nothing better to do. I feel good when I read your stories. I look forward to them. Thank you Jon.

    1. Debbie, I don’t feel a scratch from messages like this, the way I see it is this: if they could crucify Jesus, they can certainly send nasty e-mails to me, and I don’t compare myself to him in any way. The idea of doing good is a real threat and danger to some people, everyone who does it will tell you that..Nasty e-mails are like mosquitoes, they are a part of life, they can make you scratch, but they very rarely can harm you…Most of my messages are loving and very supportive, I have no complaints..

    1. No, Charlene, and I don’t care either. His message is not worth a lot of reflection. This happens all the time in modern-day America, even in Congress, sadly. There is no rational reason necessary for people to hate. Let’s move on. There is much good to dwell on in the world.

  2. Do you have any idea why he said the things he said? Did it blindside you or can you somewhat understand his point?

    1. Char, there is no rhyme or reason to trolls and cruel people on social media, it is a sickness infecting the country. It doesn’t bother me at all on a personal level, this person has no idea who I am one way or the other. I just move on. People ought to see this stuff, I think, that’s why I put it up.

      I don’t care what his motives are, I lost interest yesterday. Reasoned criticism is interesting. Hate messages are not. Let’s move on.

  3. Anyone, (me), that has taken the time to get to know you can only love & respect you for all you do for others. You’re a top notch guy Jon. I just don’t understand how anyone can view you differently.
    God bless you.

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