8 November

Here Come The Sewing Machines: Bishop Maginn And Flower And Leaf Art

by Jon Katz

The first sewing machines arrived yesterday at Bishop Maginn High School for Sue Silverstein’s art class. A lot of her students are eager to learn how to sew so they can make quilts for the Afghan refugees coming to Albany and also help their own families make and repair their own clothing.

Sue wants to teach the kids how to use them, small groups at a time. We might end up sending some home to families that can use them. We’ll go slow and see what happens.

Few of the refugee families have the money to shop for a lot of new clothes.

Maria has volunteered to show the students who are interested in how to sew, so she and I are going to the school tomorrow. She’ll open the machines with the students, and I have an interview scheduled with one of the refugee kids and will meet to talk about the Toy Wish List For the Afghan Refugee children going up on Wednesday.

She and I are going back next week to begin assembling the Thanksgiving Baskets the refugees will get before the holidays. Thanks for your support for that.

Sue Silverstein also sent me some of the beautiful leaves and flowers (covered in ink) are her students made with the art supplies we sent them in September. Her art class is much loved by the students, she has 37 in her class.

The list of toys for the young new refugees is taking shape  – puzzles, paint kits, picture books, things that will take some thought and time. Check-in on Wednesday if you want to help out. Thanks.


  1. Does the school also need irons or ironing boards to go with the sewing machines? Ironing is an essential part of the sewing process (as you probably know through Maria). I’d be happy to donate one if they end up on one of the school’s wish lists!

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