16 November

Dr. Jogani Sends Me Back To The Sleep Lab. The Sleep Apnea Journey

by Jon Katz

This morning, I met with my pulmonologist, Dr. Jodani, one month after I began using my sleep apnea mask.

I was diagnosed with “severe” sleep apnea – my heart was stopping 80 times an hour while I was sleeping, and I have successfully used a mask at night since getting one.

I slept seven hours last night, which might be a lifetime record.

Still, says Dr. Jogani, the tests show a lot of mask leaks and a much improved but still too high rate of heart breathing interruptions. The speed needs to go down a little more. It’s 80 percent better.

He says I’m doing very well, but he wants one more sleep lap test to ensure I’m wearing the suitable mask and that the breathing machine is set correctly. This is standard procedure.

So in January, I go back for one more night in the sleep lab.

The Cpac masks are not a cure; they are control. They also significantly improve health when the heart is breathing all night smoothly. Whenever the heart skips a beat at night, the body tends to freak.

I was happy with the report and expected the additional sleep-over. And I’m sleeping well with the mask. Dr. Jogani was very happy with my progress and wants to see more. I’m in.

On the way home, I stopped at my favorite fish store in Saratog and bought two pounds of fresh shrimp, two giant Alaska King Crab legs for dinner, two pounds of fresh bay scallops, and eight small crab cakes. I’ve never eaten better or healthier in my life.

I’m learning that health is not one thing but many things, and being healthy and staying healthy are a creative challenge and a test of will. Once I realized how interesting getting healthy is, I got into it.


  1. Jon…
    Is your calendar filling with medical appointments? Our calendar software is populated into January; there’s no way I could remember them all. But they are the team that keeps us going. We are full of organs, and each organ seems to have its own specialist. The heart gets more than one.

    The country doc is gone, but we marvel at his replacements. Now, we are sent home with equipment that talks to our doctors 24/7, avoiding even more visits.

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