16 March

Looking Out Together For The Birds, Who Are Returning.

by Jon Katz

Maria has steadily come to love nature and every part of our 17 acres on the farm. She was excited this morning.

The weather was warm and beautiful, and she was excited about the return of the songbirds, the dogs, and the geese, some of whom were nesting again on our little pond.

Zinnia knows better than to mess with honking geese, and Fate has no interest. Bud doesn’t get to roam.

The songbirds sing right outside our bedroom window in the apple tree, and Maria wakes up listening. We both love their songs.

I was on the phone getting my photo painting lessons, and when it was over, I went out looking for Maria. On such a warm and beautiful day, I did not doubt where she might be – somewhere on the farm or in the woods with her trees, plants, and animal tracks.

I found her sitting in the back pasture, staring out right near the apple tree. “Wha’s up?” I asked. “I’m just looking at the birds,” she said; she looked happy and at home. She had pulled up a chair, thinking I might come out looking for her.

I sat down, experimenting with my Leica settings, as instructed to do. I put the camera down, and we looked out into the woods. She saw a lot more than I did.

This winter has brought a lot of cold and ice, and I didn’t get out to the pasture as much as usual. I’m getting back into the routine. We both love the farm very much, and I’m thrilled to see Maria’s connection with nature deepen in her life, spirit, and art. It’s infectious; I can’t help but catch it as well.

I came to the country in the first place in part to be closer to nature and live with animals, but Maria has gone much further with it than I have. I was a book writer for so many years and am getting older.

My life has turned more inward and more into creativity and less to the outside world.  And I can’t walk in the woods as far and long as I used to, and as Maria can.

When Red died, going out to the pasture took on a different house, and I put a lot of my energy into the Army Of Good. That’s where I think it belongs.

But I love the farm deeply and love seeing Maria open up to nature and feel it in her bones. It was very sweet to sit there with her today and just look out for birds. There are plenty.



  1. It would be lovely if you mentioned what kinds of birds you have singing in your pasture and apple tree (no pressure!). Isn’t Spring lovely? Here in Northern CA, our hummingbirds have returned, and the wild turkeys and CA Quail have started calling.

      1. Thanks for pointing me towards Maria’s bog, Jon. She has a great post on Spring that mentioned several birds and was a lovely evocation of the return of light and warmth. Such a special time of year.

        As for what you are busy learning, it is fun following your progress. Thanks for all the hard work and picture posts! Learning complicated software programs is a challenge, so good for you.

  2. A beautiful & charming lady indeed. Her eyes are a window to her big heart.
    You & all the animals are very blessed.

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