2 July

A Successful Day Of Art Trawling For The Mansion Wore Me Out. I’m Happy And Done For The Day

by Jon Katz

I set out today to find four or five beautiful paintings to hang on the walls of the new Mansion Activities Room. I’m told I’m obsessive about projects like this, and I see there is some truth to that.

This morning, I met with Landscape Painter Matt Chimian, and he told me four beautiful paintings for a total of $300. He was happy to donate them, but I believe artists need to be paid for their work, even if it is a fraction of what it is worth.

I took the photos home and will post them and some pictures of Matt (I took some Leica portraits) Β in the morning and bring them to the Mansion Monday. Matt framed four of them (below) at no charge. Thanks, Matt.

I call Matt the “Lone Landscaper,” he is always out by himself, taking real-life photos and images of life in the country. They are very Edward Hopperish to me. He is remarkably prolific.

In Matt’s work, we see ourselves and our lives. They are original and accessible. He’s painted about 2,000 pictures, and he does most of them within a few miles of his home.

There are many unique bargains on his website, he paints them faster than he can sell them, and they are perfect. He has a genius for capturing the real lives of real people.

This afternoon, I went to Glens Falls and met with Jackie Thorne, an artist and poet who gave me two beautiful photos of flowers that are perfect for the Mansion and the Activity Room. One, the blue tulip, is shown above.

I’m bringing them to the Mansion and showing them to the residents before we hang them up.

I admit I am wiped out, so I’m shutting down the computer for tonight. I’ll post more about Matt and his photos in the morning.

I’m also happy, we got the paintings we needed and wanted, and they are all perfect. I thank Matt and Jackie for their generosity and big hearts.

I hope everyone is having a meaningful and peaceful Fourth of July. We have planned absolutely nothing; I have two neat new books to read and two bags of popcorn to eat.


  1. Gorgeous paintings, Jon! My heart just fills up with happiness that these very generous artists are filling up the Mansion Activity Room with these stunning paintings. God Bless them for their caring, kind and generous ways. And, to you, of course for coming up with these brilliant ideas! πŸ™‚ You are an amazingly good person. If there is indeed a Heaven (or wherever an equivalent is), you will definitely achieve residency there! πŸ˜‰

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