4 October

Photo Show: Come See My Nine Flower Photo Show, Just For You. Free, There’s Nothing For Sale, No Photo Of Me, No Posters, No E-Mail Lists, No Stories, No WIne Or Pastries

by Jon Katz

I had a good day today, and I’m going for 100 percent. It’s cloudy and rainy – again, but I got a beautiful letter from Killian, my mentoree, we had a lovely meditation class at the Mansion, and my friend, Mansion Aide Tania Woodward, is going on and up to be a doctor’s assistant at St. Peter’s Hospital (we will miss you, sister, thank you), the books we ordered for the Bishop Gibbons English Training For the Refugee kids are arriving.

Tonight, Killian sent me the first five pages of his horror story. I can’t wait to read them.

And as it started to rain, I got cocky and decided to go out and try to take ten beautiful photos from my garden bed and put on my own private flower portrait show.


I love the freedom to take my photos for myself and those who read my blog. I’m not looking for fame, money, publicity, good reviews, or fancy, over-hyped art shows. There’s nothing wrong with artists making money; it’s just a miracle and joy to keep cash and the pressure of selling things out of it. It’s an honor for me to have this solo show.

No fancy galleries, nothing to sell or buy (no fancy snacks, tho), no posters all over town,  and no snobs to fuss about. I miss my friend George Forss, the brilliant photographer and alien investigator; he was an artistic genius who knew how to put a show together.

We both had the same ideas about what a show was. And neither of us made much money that night.


I did a lot of good today; it feels almost perfect. In a few weeks, all my flowers will close up and pass away, so I’m taking advantage of my remaining to wallow in their beauty. I’m doing my show.

One of the high points of my photography life was doing a show with George. I was honored to team up with him and do a show together. He had given up on promoting himself as well.

George is now up in the galaxy talking show with the aliens.


This photo looks like a landscape to me, not a Begonia; it is haunting.

I love you, George, and think of you often. I know you are listening.

I see this as a pure show, with no critics, snobs, second-guessers, nothing for sale, and nothing to buy. I understand how difficult it is for artists to make money, especially photographers. I wish them all good luck and prosperity.

I hope you enjoy seeing it as I have putting it together. I thank my Iphone 13 Pro Max and My Leica 2 for their assistance.

An artist I know has posters and pictures of herself all over town advertising a show she’s having in a small town up the road.

I’m going pure. My photos are just for me, just for you. Free at last.



My photos, as always, are free; they are not watermarked or copyrighted; they are yours to use as you wish, and blessings to you for liking them.

I’m on track to have a wonderful day. I’m going to cook some Farro grains for tonight’s stir-fry and then read my mystery. Score!



I’m fortunate to take these rich and colorful photos in early October. I thought my garden bed would be gone by now, but flowers I didn’t know existed are beginning to pop up, along with Begonia’s, Marigolds, and Mums. I have more colorful photos to come for a while, more things to learn.


I’m surprised every time I get the camera out and go outside. The colors, the shapes, the souls, and the sense of birth and death, it’s different every day. I am learning about flowers and light, where the sun is, what angle to take, and what camera to use. I hope to bring this spirit into the Fall.



Flowers, like human beings, begin to die the moment they are born. It’s fantastic watching this spectacle of nature. Mother Nature is putting on the show; I’m just taking pictures of it and looking forward to the rest of the week. My Zoom meeting in the morning, ukelele lessons on Thursday. Good Lord.

Thanks for coming to my show. I hope you enjoyed it, and I thank you for looking at my pictures.




  1. Absolutely stunning John, just lovely to gaze at on a cool October evening, Thanks for sharing your talent and beauty of your garden with us Encore!!!

    1. Thanks Valerie, as you can tell I am very happy doing it. thanks for sharing this with me, I appreciate it.

  2. Such a lovely flower show! To gaze at those photos cleanses my mind of all unpleasantness.
    The “alien” one especially brings forth every aspect of imagination
    You will do well with the ukelele. The arts are related and you most certainly have demonstrated talent in writing and photography –so go for #3.

  3. YES, absolutely STUNNING. And yes, that fourth one looks like a landscape to me too – I would never have known it was a flower if you had not already told us. And then I gasped in awe at the beauty of that ?Dahlia #5 -Amazing Perfection. I too am amazed you still have such beautiful flowers on October 4 – mine are basically all gone except for a few azalea blooms. Thank you for letting us still enjoy yours. Have fun with the rest of your week!

  4. your flower photos continue to be stunning, as Valerie said. I trust even in their final days, you will find a way to make them shine. And when the darker winter months encroach…..you will find the beauty somewhere, if not in flowers!
    Susan M

    1. Thanks Susan, I’m trying and I can always post some of these photos I’ve saved from the summer..one way or the other, we’ll get color and light here..

  5. Well, thank you for that. I didn’t know I would be attending a flower show today, and I had a front row seat and could linger and return to each one. To me it was more like a flower fashion show, the color and texture, landscapes and portraits…I couldn’t leave without saying thank you…

  6. Your flowers are always beautiful but with these you have moved on or in to something else – Creation itself, I don’t know, but wonderful. Thank you!

  7. Jon,
    Just, thank you. Anytime a photo makes me catch my breath is a good day. I cannot stop looking at the begonia. Absolutely stunning!

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