14 December

Color And Light, Cont. Weather Without The Hysteria.

by Jon Katz

We know a big storm is coming when we start to get all those alerts from the electric and cable companies pledging to move massive numbers of linemen and women into the area to be prepared. They care about time and want me to know they are on the case.

People here are very cynical and suspicious of the Weather Channel; most farmers look up at the sky and figure it out. One farmer told me he never knew the water was dangerous until TV and the Internet, and he wonders who those children are who get so excited around the weather maps.

Sometimes the storms come, sometimes they don’t, and sometimes they do come but don’t amount too much. This is not yet an exact science.

I have a friend who works at the Weather Channel, and he tells me that when they name a big storm and suggest it is closing, their advertising revenue triples. The earlier and more frantic the warnings, the more the money.

These corporate media companies never miss a chance to make a buck out of hatred, argument, or the weather, and they even persuade people that by warning us early about storms, they save lives. They do it all for us.

They do not mention that all the data they broadcast comes from the National Weather Service and is just as available online for free anytime, and we taxpayers are paying for it.

The skill these companies have of manipulating people into thinking they take our money as a public service never fails to astonish or impress me.

Tomorrow we’ll get a better sense of it, but the National Weather Service is very detailed and skips all of the drama, bullshit, and storm and animal videos. I subscribe to the Weather Channel Service owned by IBM, but I’m not sure why.

The government site has pretty maps too, and they have the same information. That’s where the Weather Channel information comes from.

I guess I’m as manipulable as anyone. I’m thinking of scrapping as part of my new simplicity campaign.

In any case, I’m stepping up my Flower Therapy because this is going to be a nasty week one way or the other for much of the country. Looking at my flower photos does me a world of good; I hope it does the same for you.


  1. The color in the photo is amazing.
    It reminds me of a time back in the mid or late 60’s when my parents bedroom needed repainting and my father wanted to pick out the colors. What he chose was pretty close to the color of your flower and it was on the ceiling as well as the walls! It seemed a pretty awesome. choice for a minister, turned therapist!
    When my parents had parties and people put there coats on the bed, as was the custom back then, it was a real talking point.
    I have to admit I would go in there and lay on the bed and relax.

  2. I’m sick with Covid-19, got the infection from my hospital roommate.
    I’m enjoying the flower photos ? even more now that I’m so sick. Now I understand why you were so dizzy when you had it. My Vestibular Migraines with Vertigo is making life very uncomfortable. This to, shall pass.

  3. I notice I take deep slow breath when your flower photos come on my screen.
    Thank you for that and much more!

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