21 December

Best Of Christmas. Sue Silverstein Knows How To Give

by Jon Katz

I’ve heard it said that Christmas is a state of mind.

When I think of Christmas, I don’t think of Jesus as a God but as a guide. Christmas is about giving something of my own to someone who needs it more.

When I think of Christmas, I  also think of my good friend (and Zinnia’s Godmother), Sue Silverstein.

Every day is Christmas for Sue; she gives all the time and has provided for her students and their families for decades.

She is the embodiment of the teacher who cares, changes lives, and saves them.

She is the Art and Community Service Teacher at Bishop Gibbons High School.

She gives all she has to her students, helps them, comforts them, guides them, pushes them, and helps them in every way. She sees her students as her children and teaches them with love and empathy.

She is one of those teachers students come to visit every year for the rest of their lives.

She remembers every one of them. She pushes them to learn, helps them get to college, scolds them when necessary, and counsels them when they stumble or fall.

She is also a brilliant artist and a painter,  and her artistry is partly about using art and creativity to build confidence, pride and humanity.

The art program she has put together at Bishop Biggons in the school basement is remarkable, unlike anything I have seen in any school.

Every one of her students ends up experimenting and creating and using their art to help others, from people in nursing homes to kids who have no toys for Christmas.

Like me, she always worships the creative spark and lights it on her students.

She has been my spirit and guide in my work with the refugee students at Bishop Maginn and now Bishop Gibbons. It would not have been possible with her.

The art program she has designed is groundbreaking. She asked for help gathering her ideas and supplies from my blog readers all over the country.

They have responded generously, sending hundreds of boxes of old jewelry, stuffing, fabrics, metal and wood objects, and fabrics.

She turns all of it into creative gold.

Every day, she stays at work as long as one student is eager to create something.

She is always working.

She loves animals, adores Zinnia, and even has a favorite chipmunk she feeds peanuts to in her garage. Stray and hungry cats see her as a sanctuary.

None are turned away.

Sue is Mother Christmas for Maria, a Christmas spirit, a role model, and me. I’ve learned so much about giving from her; she inspires me daily.

She is my closest friend and Maria, and I love her dearly.

She gives with grace and respects dignity.

I just wanted to honor it a bit this week.

She knows as much as any human being. I’ve learned what Christmas is about.

Sue doesn’t talk about it; she lives it. Merry Christmas to you, Sue; you have never forgotten what the holiday is truly about.


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