30 December

Dogs In The Cave, Dog Support Returns

by Jon Katz

As expected, Maria returned to the Pine Cave she discovered in our woods yesterday after the wind took down a giant pine limb.

She went into the cave for a 15-minute meditation. Zinnia came into the cave and lay beside her until she got up. Fate took up a position in the front of the cave and stood guard.

We are fortunate to have such loving and intuitive dogs.  Maria said it was wonderful when Zinnia lay beside her and Fate kept an eye on everything. This is what dogs were meant to be; this is what dogs can be.

Dog Support took some time off just before Christmas; I’m cranking it up again in the New Year. If you have problems, questions, or issues with your dog, I’ve set up Dog Support to try to help.

It costs $65 for each half-hour as of January 2033, when Dog Support resumes; you can get the application details here.


  1. If you’ve raised your rates (and quite a hefty increase, percentage-wise) you should update the application on your web site, so as not to be guilty of a bait-and-switch. It still says $50.

    1. Brandon, one day it will be illegal to falsely accuse other people online of wrongdoing without any kind of evidence or justification.

      A bait and switch are legally defined as an action (generally illegal) of advertising goods which are an apparent bargain to substitute inferior or more expensive goods.
      That is called “a bait-and-switch scheme”

      I’ve mentioned the new price six times on my blog from the first day that the cost of Dog Support would rise to $65 on January 1st, 2023. You don’t mislead people by announcing the cost rise openly many times, including today, before the price goes up (the program is not running until the New Year, no one has yet been charged that amount). The techs have been instructed to raise the price on the application form when it, in fact, goes up.

      I imagine it was way too much trouble for you to do your homework and read the blog, but thanks for the opportunity to make it clear again. And sorry, $15 is not a very healthy increase, alas. My trainer charged $200 a visit. Bob Woodward can rest easy. I hope you get paid for your work.

  2. Gosh, was that $65 supposed to be for half an hour’s work? Didn’t seem that way. It seemed that the work was many years of training and patience at precise high level tasks from socialization with humans and livestock to sheep herding to hospice care achieved with many dogs, some with extreme inner challenges and dire strait histories, in cold and snow and falls and isolation and life transitions and persistence and faith and many hundreds of hours of reflection and writing and forging a new untrodden path both for these unique creatures and for yourself. Sounds like a bargain.

    1. Thanks, Mary, it’s tricky for me to take money for what I know. You have these peckerheads out there bursting with suspicion and paranoia, and I realized to charge nothing made my work meaningless in a way and devalued. I think $65 is a very fair price, and so far, the sessions have been very powerful and effective. I love this work and end up spending a lot more time than a half hour, of course.I’ve never really worked a day in my life, since I have always done the work I love. I appreciate your good words.

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