19 January

Mansion Tableclothes – Asking For A Little Help. The Residents Spent A Lot Of Time With Their Tableclothes

by Jon Katz

The Mansion has asked me for help (we did this three years ago) with nine new blue oval tablecloths for the dining areas and two square and long tablecloths for the Memory Care unit. I bought them all for $45o on Amazon at a reasonable price.

I used some of my money and some of the Mansion Fund money, it’s pretty low, and I want to keep something in there for shoes and winter things when it gets cold. Given the economic stress people are feeling, I’m asking for as little money and donations as possible.

I could use a little help with this one as the Mansion fund is meager, and I can’t afford to replenish it, except in emergencies. The tablecloths are essential, the residents spent a lot of time there, and I need washable and brightly colored ones, so I sent bright blue ones.

The good clothes are not cheap.

I’m seeking donations for the Mansion Fund and these tablecloths for the main dining rooms and the special long ones for memory care.

Small donations are as welcome as large ones. Any overage will go to restore the fund. I think this is an important one for us to fulfill. You can donate via Paypal, [email protected], Venmo, Jon-Katz@Jon-Katz-13, or by checking the Mansion Fund, Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

Thanks for your help. I chose this method over a Wish List because the total isn’t that high, and the tablecloths in existence have had it.

The dining rooms are the center of the Mansion residents socializing and eating healthily. They spend a lot of time at the dining tables and need to look at something bright and easy to wash. Thanks, me…

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