26 January

Morning Gift From Robin, My Granddaughter

by Jon Katz

I had a sweet message this morning from my granddaughter Robin, who is six years old. She send me the latest painting she made at her Brooklyn art class. She said I could have it if I want it. I do, there’s a good spot for it on my study wall.

(If anybody knows of a good art history book for precocious six years old, I’d appreciate your telling me about it — [email protected].) I think my role as a grandfather is to support her dreams and passions.

I’m off to see a podiatric surgeon in Saratoga about a foot.  My $1500 brace is on the way. More later.


  1. When my nieces and nephew were small I just made sure they had access to pictures of great art they could discover and examine on their own. So I bought each family “The Art Book” just to put on a low bookshelf with the rest of the family’s library. Their parents said that they would come across them looking at it every once in awhile, thinking their own thoughts. I see they now have one designed especially for children that has text. That might be appropriate as well.

  2. Jon, I LUV this – better than a Botticelli! I especially love the gray background and the very vivid colors!

  3. Robin most definitely has an artistic and creative gift…….. I think (for me) the most pronounced thing I see is that her proportions are always spot-on…….no matter what she is painting or drawing. Quite extraordinary for a 6 year old! And how wonderful that she is being nurtured and encouraged. Growing up, my few artistic endeavors (oil painting, and learning to play the flute)…..were never fully encouraged…… rather…… my refusal to *clean up my messes*……or inability to learn to *read* sheet music (learning to read music and anything other than basic math…….my brain just cannot do it) was met with disdain and disapproval by my parents. If I did not comply with what they wanted me to do….they just removed those creative endeavors from me and no longer allowed me to pursue them. Not a healthy thing…… but so it was. I applaud you and Emma and her husband for nurturing Robin’s endeavors! To feel embraced like that as a child will have lifelong positive effects!
    Susan M

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