11 April

See You Later

by Jon Katz

It’s after 10 p.m. Tuesday, and we’ve got to get up around 4 a.m. On Wednesday, so I’ll say good night and thanks for all the good wishes and kind words.

I’m feeling good and am eager to get some rest. I’ll check in on the other side when I can.

It might be Wednesday, or it might be later. I don’t really know. Maria says I can’t get out of the car to take pictures tomorrow, and she isn’t kidding. My camera goes nowhere.

I’m looking forward to being healthier and more mobile, which is what I am confident will happen. So many people have it so much worse in so many ways.

I’m in good hands and have the best support; I am grateful for what I have and what is ahead. Peace and compassion to you.

It’s not a crisis. It’s life.

Take care, more later.


  1. Love your anti crisis attitude! Looking forward to your return.
    You have what it takes to recover.
    Prayers for complete and speedy healing. Pain meds and PT will see you through the rough spots. ❤️

  2. Thinking of you tonight, Jon, and hoping all goes well tomorrow. Your writing has been such a blessing for me in so many ways. I wish you continued good health and a good surgical outcome so that you may return to doing the many things you enjoy – and then writing about them which encourages us, your readers, to open our minds to the beauty of the life that surrounds each of us.

  3. Praying for you, Jon, this may not make it up on your screen but hopefully all will go well today. And to Maria and yourself, we all wish you strength to deal with this issue. There will be pain, discomfort, frustration, but the donkeys will help you deal with it, peaceful creatures that they are.
    Sandy Small Proudfoot, Canada

  4. I am hardly ever up early but today I awoke at five. While snoozing I think of you, on toeday, probably under a harsh light in a frigid procedure room. Sending serenity and warmth. Be well and get back home safe, both of you.

  5. Best of luck with the surgery and recovery period! Will be sending prayers and good vibes for you both!

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