19 June

Photo Album: Misty Monday Morning At Bedlam Farm. Come And See.

by Jon Katz

This morning, I looked out the window and saw a beautiful fog wrapped around my wonderful farm. Yes, I did run -, walked –  outside naked, I almost ended up in one of Maria’s Monday Morning videos.

It was a little chilly but worth it. The farm is a beautiful place on a foggy morning.

The sun comes up right over the red barn at this time of year; it is the photographer’s light. I went into the pasture and saw that Maria had walked the animals down into the back pasture.

We both got up early. Maria and I are both going to the Mansion later this morning. She’s going to teach an art class, and I’m going to visit the Memory Care Unit and visit some residents in their rooms.

I used to talk through the Mansion, knocking on doors and visiting with Zinnia, but that stopped when the pandemic hit. I’m hoping to revive the custom. I must take it easy on my foot until Thursday, when Dr. Daly removes the stitches from the last procedure.

Memory Care is a special place; they are really into Zinnia there. It is quiet and peaceful there.

I’m going back to the Mansion tomorrow for my meditation class. I love this work; I never feel more valuable.



Lulu is ever watchful; she is very protective of the sheep. When I walked to the gate, I saw her head peeking out to ensure everything was safe. The photo captured the mood.


The flowers are growing upward in my garden bed; they frame the mist farm beautifully.

Lulu misses nothing, anywhere, anytime.


Sox saw me and made a plea for some food. No chance this morning; there is plenty of grass.

The morning mist brings a soft feeling to the farm; everything is growing and rich.


  1. Your blog is the best way to start the day. I have been doing it for years and it gets better and better. Thank you.

  2. These photos are among your best. I could smell the fresh morning at the farm and immediately relaxed. Thank you for sharing.

  3. These misty, foggy morning pictures are just SUPERB! How delightful! Thank you for sharing. I especially love the ones with both your flowers and the animals in the picture.

  4. I’m saving the picture of Lulu by the gate and Sox sheep looking expectant in the mist. Juxtaposed in the. sunlight is the Poppy ‘popping’ up midst the ‘box.bouquet’ of wildflowers. This is my FAVORITE among many photos you have taken.

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