5 July

Belly Dancing Performance Tonight. I’ve Been Asked Not To Go

by Jon Katz

Maria headed out for a live belly dancing performance outside the North Bennington Public Library this afternoon. It’s brutally hot and humid – a heat advisory is in effect. I ordered two air conditioners for the downstairs, and we’ll get to use them.

I’m told that I should take heat advisories seriously and try to do that. Maria asked me several times not to go there’s no heating and the dancing will be outside on the library lawn. I made a fuss, but she held firm, and I saw that my going would cause her to worry.

It’s hard for me to concede that I really should be standing outside for a couple of hours in this heat, I have diabetes and heart disease, and Im learning this Spring that I am not immune from either. Tomorrow is my annual cardiology exam, and I don’t need to cause any trouble.

I went outside to take some flower photos and I was soaked in sweat after five minutes. Authenticity is what I say to other people and what I tell myself. I need to stay home.

I hate not going to see her perform the dancing, which she loves so much, but it’s just something I need to accept. There will be other performances. I was tickled to see her in makeup again; it always startles me; it is so not Maria.

I like that smile and can’t wait to see the video tonight.


  1. Doing what’s best for you will allow her to do her best this evening. What a wonderful gift to give to your wife, Jon.

  2. Oh my goodness…….that gorgeous human being. I am in awe of her beauty…….. in all ways. You could not have captured her essence any better than that! Yowza! You two are a perfect pairing!
    Susan M

  3. What a stunning transformation of Maria in her make-up and jewelry and garb for belly dancing.
    Especially contrasted with the other photos of her in her boots in the barnyard with the animals.
    Such a treat to see Maria in all her diversity.

  4. Hi. Our cardiologist has told both my husband and I due to afib we both have that we are not to be outside for extended time when the temp is higher than 80 degrees. We had to go grocery shopping yesterday and I felt it. I also have to be out in the heat during my grand kids’ swimming lessons in the mornings. I find shade and I just don’t move. Maria was right and I know it’s hard to miss things. Hang in there.

  5. Learning to to take better care of ourselves relieves stress for caring friends and loving family members.
    Doing what we should seems hard to us.
    Yet we know, appropriate self-care is good for us.
    It is the BEST gift we give to those who love us.

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