13 September

Zip Report: Week One: We’re Learning About Him Every Day

by Jon Katz

My new routine is sitting with Zip and talking to him every day. I can’t get down and open the crate this week, but when I stick my fingers into the side, he comes over and rubs his head in my hand, and I scratch his book. This is a sign of acceptance from cats; he is comfortable with me and comes out of his corner to see Maria, who reaches into the crate to touch him and gives him some cat treats.

We’ve had him for one week, and we’re keeping him in the crate for at least one more. When we open the crate, we’ll also leave his litter box in the barn, which is often a signal that they are home.

Our sense of Zip is that he is cautious, as barn cats are, but also very easy with people (at least people he knows) and entirely independent.

This is a cat who wants to roam freely and hunt. I can see it in his eyes, but he loves to have his ears and back scratched. And he appreciates cat treats every now and then.

When we move his blanket to clean it inside the crate, he gets rattled. Otherwise, he seems right at home.

Zip has a glower that says he means business. I’m excited to see where he decides to hole out when he’s out and free.  We’re going to put some blankets on our hay bales, and there is a box way up in the woodshed that Flo liked to sleep in.

The corner of the crate is his safe place, but you can see the purpose in his eyes. He has a mind of his own, also valuable for a barn cat, who will spend most of the day off by himself hunting.

He will live the life of a barn cat, free to explore the farm, mice, and chipmunk holes.

Minnie polished off the rats. I doubt there are any survivors, but if there are, they will regret staying here. The donkeys have always accepted our cats (except for Simon). Lulu and Fanny will be friendly once they get to know him.

We did well with Zip. He seems to fit right in here.


  1. he looks like he’s wearing a mask to conceal his secret identity — like the Lone Ranger or Batman

    a handsome cat, and I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to live and hunt in such a pretty area

  2. Zip’s eyes seem to have a laser like focus……… a true testament to a good barn cat! Glad he’s doing well in his cage……..and acclimating to life at Bedlam hay barn! I follow his journey!
    Susan M

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