24 October

A Zip Story, A Jon Story. What It’s Life To Love A Cat. Life Is A Mystery, For Sure

by Jon Katz

I seem to have a companion cat as well as a companion dog. I didn’t think cats did that, at least not to me. There’s nothing shy about Zip. He wants to be my friend, period, no questions, no clarifications. Maria took this photo this morning. I’ve never taken a walk with a cat before. It shows Zip walking me to the mailbox, which he does every day. He stops short about 20 feet away and waits for me to come back, as the dogs do. I’m still trying to understand what it means to be close to a cat – this has never happened to me before, at least not to this degree. People say he’s an unusual cat; I wouldn’t know.

At least twice a day, Zip holds his head up while he gets a neck scratched.

What I see is an intelligent animal, both wary and adventurous. He has adopted me; I am his human, along with Maria, and he goes where I go. Zip has pushed my buttons; I’m interested in knowing more about him and understanding his impact on me. I do know that he belongs here, and I am attached to him. I don’t know where the story goes from here. I have no desire for him to live in the house. He is a Barn Cat, and he deserves the life of one.





  1. Zip is a bit unusual. I did have a barn cat who waited at the end of the driveway each day at the appropriate time for the school bus which my daughter rode. We wondered how he knew when it was time for the bus! He would rub around her legs and then walk back up to the house with her—every day, rain or shine. He never came into the house. Dwelt in the barn with several other barn cats. He was neutered, a plain tiger striped kitty.

  2. When we got our first (only) cat, Sydney, he was about 6 months old. We had only ever had dogs so sort of treated him like a dog. He used to come for walks with us. The dogs and I would walk on the urban sidewalk and he would stay close to the house more or less parallel with us. He also (sometimes) came when called and would (sometimes) sit for a treat. He was a great cat.

  3. I am chuckling reading these posts about your Zip day/Vet adventure……and can only say…….you got the cat you needed, Jon. The perfect cat for you, and you are the perfect human for him! It was meant to be, no doubt about it
    Susan M

  4. Such a joy seeing these great photos of you with Zip. I also believe we get the cat we need at the right time. This is a great fit for all of you. Cats are very calming. Zip knows you have a good heart and love animals.

  5. Our feral cat, Miss Kitty also follows us on property, like a dog. She spends days outdoors, or in barn, but sleeps on bed each night.

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