27 January

Zip Making Friends, With Zinnia, With Me

by Jon Katz

Zip enjoys terrorizing Zinnia when he can, primarily by slapping her in the nose when she gets too close. Zinnia avoids him generally; she’s a pacifist dog, Β but Maria encouraged her to come up close this morning, and Zip went over on his back to let her know she is trusted. He wants to be nice but doesn’t know how to do it yet. Β Zip is loaded with mischief, but he also has a big heart.

The language of animals is impressive. Zinnia and Zip are destined to be friends. Zip did his charm the newcomer roll. I wish I could tell Zinnia that she is ten times the size of Zip; she doesn’t seem to know.

I sat in the blue chair with Zip for a half hour this morning; it’s one of our favorite meeting places when it isn’t too cold. Zip crawled up onto my shoulder, purred, and seemed to go to sleep. I scratched and stroked him for a good while; there is something about that cat that I love.

Sandy, please write me a letter suggesting I ask my daughter Emma about Zip sleeping in the farmhouse. She said she had given up on me since I seemed to have no common sense. Funny, she mentioned it; I asked Maria once if I had a lot of common sense, and she still laughed. I mean, a 76-year-old man living on a farm with two donkeys, three dogs, two donkeys, a dozen sheep, and three imperious hens! I can’t disagree with Sandy. I have enough common sense to delete her message; sorry, Sandy, what did you expect from me?

OK, I did suggest that she mind her own business and then delete her.

That was fun. I always thought it rude to delete somebody, but now I can hardly wait.

Zip seems very happy in his heated cat house in the barn. We’ll have a sleepover one night, and I’ll sleep in the barn. The night photos could be awesome if there’s a bright moon.


  1. Yesterday, I was schooled by a poster on another blog that informed me that if a page is “public” you’re allowed to be rude, sanctimonious, a know-it-all Karen. If it is “private” you don’t. Hmmm I’m going to steer clear of that page for a while. I’m relieved to enjoy your page πŸ’™ that is cleared of chronic trolling. I don’t have that much free time because I live on a working hobby farm with large farm animals.

    1. I don’t know what you have read, but I don’t permit rude, sanctimous or know-it-all Karen’s to post messages on my blog (See Robert’s below). I am happy to challenge the most obnoxious ones and then delete them.

      1. That is why I’m here with you. You keep me grounded in my lifelong Cowgirl journey and lifestyle with my herd. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ I also appreciate your Book Club

  2. I know you like to hold yourself out as an expert on philosophy, spirituality, psychology, animals, as if we don’t have ppl truly trained and experienced in these areas. Oh well. So you must know about the DarkTriad or Dark Tetrad developed post the pseudo scientist Freud’s demise of his (narcissistic) approaches.

    It always gives me both disgust and creeps when you show your sadistic side, which pops up regularly often with sarcasm.

    “I can’t disagree with Sandy. I have enough common sense to delete her message; sorry, Sandy, what did you expect from me? OK, I did suggest that she mind her own business and then delete her. That was fun. I always thought it rude to delete somebody, but now I can hardly wait.”

    1. Robert. Two questions for you about your rude and very sarcastic message. One, did you just figure out that I can be sarcastic? Have you been living in a hole?

      And two, can you please explain to me why on earth you would so carefully and faithfully read the blog of someone who disgusts you and gives you the creeps? You do not disgust me or give me the creeps, poor man, you just sound angry and miserable.

      I feel badly for anyone who reads me in order to get off on getting the creeps and being disgusted. What is the point? Be kind to yourself. There are 40 million blogs online in America. Perhaps you might consider reading one you like in order to lower your blood pressure when you get so unhappy.I take Mylanta when I am disgusted.

      Please take Sandy with you if you go, she isn’t happy here either. Best to you.

        1. Thanks, I admit to chuckling when people send me nasty and sarcastic messages to protest my being nasty and sarcastic. Can’t quite figure out how that works…”)

      1. Oh, God, I love your sarcasm and especially the way you handle all Karens….male and female. Thank you for your service.

        1. Bless you Cookie, I’d love to be nice and sweet all the time, but I can’t help being me, there are so many jerks out there looking for trouble. I appreciate your good words. I’m working on being a better me.

  3. Enjoy all your photos of the farm you and Maria -happy birthday !- and the animals.
    Thank you for allowing folks like me to enjoy your blog and journaling and photos! I’m 73 have a sheltie (my 3rd) is one of the lights of my life. God bless you and yours! SandyR

  4. Jon, who does it remind you of when you strike out at everyone who doesn’t sing your praises and agree with everything you do? such as calling whoever the person was who reported you for freezing the cat, deranged? sounded to me like DJT calling Jack Smith deranged…for upholding the law…
    a lot of similarities there….I, for one, only read your blog hoping to find that you have finally got your due…just a matter of time…

    1. Gosh, Hana, thanks for reading my blog. I’m thinking you need another hobby, maybe chess or yoga while you drool over my destruction. You better hurry, though, I’m 76 and have a limited time ahead of me. I’m thinking deranged people seem to be doing well. People give them money and vote for them. I gess to be honest, your letter reminds me of him – nasty and without much meaning. Welcome to the club. Good luck to you. Zip says hi.

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