13 March

Portraits: Animals In The Sun, Intimations Of Spring. Zinnia In Water, Zip Catches Mice, Hens Preen For Portraits

by Jon Katz

We went for a walk this spring-ish day, which was warm and sunny. I focused on pictures of our animals, sometimes neglected for our flowers, snails, and forests.

Above, Zinnia plunges into the full pond. She loves the water. They seem relaxed in the sun, eager for attention.

I loved our walk; the animals were relaxed and happy to see us. We ran the very busy Zip, carrying a mouse into the barn. The mouse got away, and there was quite a chase.  Zip prevailed. Zinnia plunged into every pond she came across. Birds are soon going to lose their feeders, they were all over them today.

He was too close for my camera to focus on, but I did get a fuzzy photo of Zip with his mouse. He was happy—he had gotten himself a mouse. Nature is rough at times.

I took a beautiful series of pictures of the hens close up. They make for beautiful portraits. Maria did some love with Fanny; it was a sweet time and a lovely walk. Maria is at a belly dancing class. I just left a hamburger on the stove, and the house is filled with smoke. Yuk. I got to go.

The old hen, cleaning her feathers.


I am peering behind the apple tree.

Grooming. I love the lines.


Zip carrying his mouse into the barn.

Maria is communicating with Fanny—the two love speaking with one another.

Bird on the feeder.

Sheep waiting to eat.



  1. I’m just happy you’re taking walks without any problems with your feet. Great pics btw. Sorry about the (almost) fire. Careful.

  2. great photos, each and every one! And yes….easy to get distracted while cooking, dinner especially…..it’s one of the few times I use the timer on my iPad……. lest I do exactly what you did! LOL!
    Susan M

  3. I think of zinnea as a very important lady with repute and then she throws herself face first in yucky pond water. and I laugh! So much for appearances. . .sorry about errors with one finger typing, but aging surprises. . . but thanks jon, also for the love pics with maria and the 4 legged creatures. much love, veronica

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