17 March

Calla Sculpture: The Inspiration of Diego Rivera, Flowers Are More Than Flowers

by Jon Katz

The famous artists Diego Rivera and  Georgia O’Keeffe inspired me to think of flowers as sculptures and forms in my photography. I started thinking of some as photo paintings. To me, a flower is more than just a flower; the photography is not the point.

Flowers can mean a lot of different things to different people.

Diego was once married to another famous artist, Frieda Kahlo,  and they had been friends and co-conspirators all their lives.

I like to think of my flower photos as art, whether other people do or not. They draw me in that way as I have always been drawn to art, but only recently to flowers.



Diego was known for his superb paintings of the Calla Lili. I saw one in a museum once and just recently remembered it. Sue Lamberti, the owner of the Cambridge Flower Shop, showed me some Calla flowers yesterday and said she thought they might appeal to me in my photographs.

I brought some home and have been running around all day experimenting with how to photograph them.

Boy, was she right. I’ve spent much of the weekend trying out different lenses. Sue knows her flowers, and she knows my photos.

Here are four. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed figuring out how to photograph them. Flower sculpture, I like it. My 105 mm Sigma lens helped me out:


I have a new and unique relationship with these flowers; they are much more than flowers.


  1. Your spelling is nuts—you take pictures of flowers and yet can’t spell a simple word like “lily”?

    1. Poor Peter I feel so bad for you, can your life go on? I didn’t know that taking pictures of flowers would enhance my spelling skills. I’ll get right on it. I hope you’ll be all right.

    2. P.s thanks, I wasn’t aware to taking pictures of flowers enhanced my spent would enhance my Dyslexia or my spelling spelling skills. I’ll get right on it.

  2. I was fortunate enough many years ago to see a joint exhibit of both Diego Rivera AND Frida Kahlo’s works ……. at the J.Paul Getty museum in Malibu. Loved Diego’s Calla Lily paintings! Talk about sensory overload? Because….at the same time…..they had a Monet exhibit as well. My friend and I were *done* by the end of the day……just too much to take in…..but all just beautiful works of art. Loving your Calla photos! You know how to do them the justice they deserve!
    Susan M

  3. I love the middle calla lily photo. I don’t know why, but I find it very poignant. It caught me by surprise. Thank you for sharing.

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