23 March

Bird Watching In The Storm, Saturday At Dusk. Sun Tomorrow, Maybe. The World Is An Amazing Place, And I Have A Lot To Learn

by Jon Katz

I appreciate getting to know flowers, birds, photography, a food pantry, focaccia bread, and several other things I’m opening myself up to, including bird watching with a vengeance.

Life is what you make of it, and I am making much of it.

The shapes, energy, and colors of birds are wonderful for photography; in a way, they remind me of flowers. Each one is different, and many have beautiful colors. Someone wrote to me the other day wondering if it was “normal” for a man to talk about flowers like Carra as being sensual. Sorry, Ms. Lili, but Carra flowers turn me on.

I wrote back; I have never aspired to be normal.

How dreadfully boring that would be. And I’m not that kind of man, for all of my flaws, and thank God for it. I got a big low over not being able to help Maria shovel the heavy snow, but that is heart attack trouble for me.  But I’m always adding things to my life and grateful for that.

I’m glad to get these photos up if the power goes out, which is likely. Our generator is snowed in; we could never get it out of the barn. But this is Spring snow; it will be gone by the end of the week. The world is an amazing place, and I have a lot to learn from it.

The photos speak for themselves. Finches can be rough with one another when food is involved.





Windowsill Gallery, in the storm


    1. I’m sorry, Deirdre. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t care, and neither should you. (Why DO you?) I don’t do it intentionally, and it will likely happen again.I misspell flowers all the time. It isn’t Watergate, and I’ve got a lot of real work to do. And real things to write about.

  1. After people start watching birds for awhile, they start to move, jerk, their heads in staccato movements too, it seems to me.

    Great bird photos.

  2. Great photos of your birds and snow. Here in PA we have the cold but no snow a sunny day. Be safe my Facebook friends.

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