23 April

Bedlam Farm Journal, April 23, 2024. Good Morning, A Full Day Ahead. A Pantry Visit, Photos, Fresh Bread, A Dinner Out

by Jon Katz

It’s a beautiful spring day —cool but sunny. This morning, I was heading over to the Cambridge Food Pantry again when the food from the Regional Food Bank came in. I had a lovely meeting with my new primary healthcare doctor, Dr. Dodge. She is giving me a prescription for a new diabetes medicine that people are raving about; she wants my A1C number to come down more as I get older.

I told her that some people on my blog suggested that I had Dementia because I misspell words. She said that was not a sign of Dementia but of aging. It’s pretty standard for people without Dyslexia to forget names. I told her I was learning to laugh at these messages, and she laughed.

She said I could worry about it when I can’t write on my blog or take pictures, which is something people with Dementia can’t do. Otherwise, I’m doing well; she has no concerns or complaints. I told her I felt strong, active, engaged, creative, and happy.

Later today, I get to write on the blog, go out to Covered Bridge Bread to pick up my bread, and then we are taking our friend Alfreda out to dinner. I’m also helping a man I know to get a laptop so he can take photographs of his grandchildren. He doesn’t have much money but is full of love and kindness.  I learned from my refugee aid work at the Mansion how to find some good and inexpensive ones,


Zip checks out the birdbath and goes out again for the warm weather. He checks out everything.


The back-pasture apple tree is starting to bloom again.


  1. Those are cool photos with a bit of curvature! May I ask what lens you are using to get that effect?

    P.S> your doctors words are going to give a bunch of us a sense of relief. 🙂

    1. Lisa, thanks. I’m afraid it would take too long to describe my system, I’m using a Leica SLR and an Iphone 15 Max for most of the photos, I am happy to reassure you and others that old people forget things, especially names. It’s no big deal and an indicator of nothing more than getting older.Ageism is a very real issue in our country; peckerheads say stupid things to us all the time. I appreciate the good words..

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