29 April

Pantry Support: For $5.69, We Can Bring Precious Cranberry Juice To Three Large Families

by Jon Katz

For $5.69, we can send two large bottles of the precious and hard-to-get Happy Belly Juice Cocktail, 64. fl. ounces pack of 2. This is Sarah’s pick of the day for the children and families of the Cambridge Food Pantry.

Cranberry Juice is one of the healthiest breakfast juices for children (and adults). However, all kinds of juices are getting too expensive for the Cambridge Pantry to buy or obtain, so they only have a little sometimes and none now. This is one of the things that the children and families who come to the pantry for help love.

$5.59 goes a long way regarding Cranberry Juice, and since this is an Amazon brand, the price is low— it’s an excellent time to take advantage of that. It feels like every nonprofit in America is seeking funds that are needed; this help goes directly to children.

This is where the Army of Good comes into play. We specialize in getting the food pantry items they rarely get or consistently need more. We can’t meet all of their needs, but we can pick our targets and make a real difference to these food-deprived parents and their children.


$5.69 is a small price for getting a very healthy juice into the hands and homes of the people who are food deprived, sadly, a growing number.

I asked Sarah if there was a second choice today (there is so much need), and they said yes, they have also run out of salad dressing; the pantry is seeking Kraft Thousand Island Salad Dress, 16 0z. Bottles, Pack of 6.

Salad dressing is critical for getting children to eat their salads, which is, in turn, essential for their health. However, the pantry is also out of stock now.

I took the weekend off of Pantry food support; we all needed to breathe. But I’m back into it today with a whole heart. Your help has changed the dynamic of the pantry and enriched the diets and love people who could use a hand.

If you’ve been to the supermarket lately, you know why the pantry is so important, even in the most prosperous country in the world.

It’s important to point out how hard the community’s people are working to keep the Pantry stocked, functioning, and able to meet the growing demand for food help. I love this photo of 4th and 5th graders working hard to ensure food reaches their needy classmates.

These children inspire me. Hungry children are an issue that can still draw our divided country together.



  1. Thanks for showing the juice label
    Yikes !
    40% extra added sugars !!!!
    Cancer and disease thrive on sugar. Fact. That’s why its in our bread…to keep us sick.

    Please ask Sarah to consider SUGAR FREE

    cranberry juice doesn’t need more sugar Jon.

    1. I’m sorry, K. I don’t tell people what food to buy or eat, inside or out of the pantry. The food we think is healthy is often expensive for the pantry and for people in need. They don’t get to make choices.

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