22 May

Chronicles Of Zip, Foiled Again By His Nemesis, The Queen Of The Chipmunks

by Jon Katz

I give Zip points for determination. Every day in mid-afternoon, his nemesis, who I have labeled the Queen Of The Chipmunks, sticks her head out of the wooden wall and stares at Zip, who takes up position about 20 feet away and lies stone still as she moves around the stone wall. The chipmunks have a vast network of secret tunnels; Zip sticks his head in the openings but has yet to find a way.

As I sat on the porch, engrossed in my work, I observed Zip’s playful dance with the Queen (a name I whimsically assigned). It seemed to me that she was teasing him, luring him forward, then retreating, causing him to freeze.  It was like they were playing chess.

He attempted various routes around the wall to outsmart her, but each time he approached, she disappeared into one of her secret tunnels, leaving him frozen, ticked off, I think.

I’m browsing the names of famous female warriors; I’ll find a better name for her. Any ideas will be welcome. She moves too fast for me to capture her on a camera. I’ll keep at it also.

These chipmunks have also defied and escaped Bud, who stalks them reluctantly with no luck. I came over to sit in our chair, and Zip ran back, jumped in my lap, and continued the stare-down.  He never took his eyes off the Queen, who was squeaking and moving around quite visibly.

After one final attempt at the wall, Zip decided to call it quits. It’s a battle of wills, a war of the walls. While I adore Zip’s spirit, I can’t help but find myself cheering for the chipmunk, amused by their ongoing game of cat and mouse.


  1. What about “Olga,” a Viking warrior queen who lived at the end of the first century A.D. She was wise and strong and a could outsmart them all, it’s been said. (But then, she never had an adversary like Zip!)

  2. Athena was one of the twelve chief Olympian deities and the goddess associated with wisdom, craft, and warfare. In wars—where she was most commonly depicted—Athena embodied cold rationality, tactics, and strategy. Athena’s cold logic stood in direct contrast to her brother Ares’ rage, violence, and impulsiveness.

    The Queen of the Chipmunks sure sounds like an Athena to me!

  3. Freya of Norse mythology. It’s a Viking name for a girl that resonates strenth and cunning.

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