23 May

Barely Saw Zip Today, But We Choose A Name For His Chipmunk Nemesis.

by Jon Katz

I don’t have a good Zip photo today because I hardly saw him. He was stalking the stone wall in search of a chipmunk. I have decided to name Kali after the man-eating goddess of India.

She’s too fast for me to photograph, but I might get lucky this weekend; she comes out whenever she sees Zip and does a squeaky dance.

They are communicating with one another. I am trying to figure out what they might be saying.

I told Zip, who sometimes looks at me pleadingly, that I can’t help him with this one and don’t want to see Kali eaten. She’s an exceptional chipmunk, as Zip is a unique cat. Can’t you work it out for once? I asked.

Thanks for all the name recommendations. liked Olga and several others, but Kali seems right for Zip’s nemesis. Zip is himself ferocious and sometimes a symbol of mayhem.


(The Goddess Kali)

Alongside being the Goddess of darkness, destruction, and death, Kali is also a symbol of Mother Nature because she is believed to be timeless and formless, representing the creation of life and the universe.

I saw Zip creep out today and search for Kali; she popped out, squeaked at him, and jumped down a hole. I think he’s met his match.

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