24 May

Laid Up: Three Images To Brighten A Day. Yes, I’m In A Bad Mood…They Call It Negative Energy, I Call It Something I Can’t Publish On My Blog

by Jon Katz

The spiritual people like to call it Negative Energy, while I like to call it being grumpy or in a foul mood. I wasn’t expecting some insect to bite my leg this week, infect me, ground me, and mess up my leg, which looks like a map of the Amazon jungle. So I’m in a bad mood. When that happens, the best thing for me to do is recognize that I’m in a bad mood and stay away from people.

I’m supposed to stay inside all day while the bites stop swelling and spreading, but that puts me in a worse mood.

Yes, I know it comes from early trauma, but who cares? I want it to be better. I can’t promise to be nice to the strange people who often send me annoying messages, like today when Dave messaged me to tell me I’m too close to the photos I take.

I started to say something nasty, but I caught myself and just messaged Dave, suggesting he wandered onto the wrong blog and should come back when he got some manners.

Then I knew I needed to pull back and tend to myself, so I am, along with my flowers and cameras, Maria is in her studio.  They always make me feel good. I am chuckling at it now. But here are some photos, and yes, I was close, Dave, sorry. Blessings to you all.

So I stay away from people, keep to myself, and go outside for a few minutes to take photos and share them. Then I’m going to lie down a bit.  I have to go to the pantry to take some pictures this afternoon, but I am unsure if I can. In the meantime, here are some images that will hopefully brighten your day and mine.

Wildflowers mingling with the ones I planted in my garden bed.

Donkeys make a great backdrop.


  1. Hi Jon, I absolutely love the closeness of your flower photos. That closeness is what makes
    looking at your photos a special feeling, for me. I absolutely loved my own flowers mostly
    when I could get up that close. But I didn’t have the eye for soul, communion and flower power that you
    find and photograph. So looking at your flowers in the blog is especially potent, for me.

    1. Thanks, NTodd, the closeness is what makes it work…I’m happy with it..I broke my rule of deleting do-dos.

  2. I saw that comment from Dave, and I just had to shake my head at it. Methinks he’s completely unfamiliar with the beauty to be discovered in those extreme close-ups. Hope that spider bite heals quickly.

  3. You take the pictures you like. Not everyone sees things the same way. My father was a photographer and when I look at images I take I can hear him tutting. I see things differently. We all do. To make suggestions to another photographer would be like telling Monet he was doing it all wrong.
    I’m sorry about your bites. Hope they clear up soon. XX

  4. the Iris photo header for this post is stunning! Are those new irises you or Maria have planted, or are they from the irises that Florence, the original owner of your house had planted? For some reason….. this photo made me think of her, and her legacy. And sorry you are feeling cranky…..but you are wise to deal with it best as possible and work through it…….. I always feel that if I am so cranky and grouchy that I can’t even stand myself……. I surely don’t want to inflict that on others LOL! Thankfully it doesn’t happen often! insect/ and or spider bites can be nasty (from my own experiences)…. and yes, can be quite concerning if other health issues present too. I hope resting, ice and meds will help it and that you will feel better both physically and mentally very soon!
    Susan M

  5. Time to get that macro lens out, track down the spider and bee, and give them their time in the spotlight!

    Like what you are doing here with the varying depth above photos.

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