24 May

Friday Morning, Farm Journal: Potato Chips All Around. Quarantined By (We Think) A Spider…

by Jon Katz

We had lunch at a local restaurant yesterday. They gave us a lot of potato chips with our sandwiches. Neither of us eats potato chips, but Maria loves to wrap them up,  take them home, and feed them to the chickens and donkeys. Food never gets thrown out here.

Of course, we forgot about them. Zinnia rode with us this morning when we went to the post office.

On the way home, the wrapper blew out of the car. Zinnia picked it up and brought it to us; she didn’t eat a chip. Maria gave half of it to the hens, who love potato chips, and then to the donkeys, who also loved potato chips. It was a sweet start to the morning; it’s a beautiful Spring day today, cool and sunny with a gorgeous blue sky.

I’m quarantined today, trying to knock down the swelling and infection caused by some creature who feasted on my legs. The infection reached down to my ankle, and that is always a danger sign for a person with diabetes. I’m on antibiotics and prescription itch medicine. I had to stay inside, drink liquids, and put ice on the two bites all day. If it didn’t improve or the swelling worsened, I returned to the doctor or urgent care.

I got out for some pictures, and I’ll do some blogging. Then, I’ll rest for the rest of the day with an ice pack around my leg. It’s always exciting around here. I last slept two nights ago, so I’m grumpy today. I’ll lay low.


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