Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

3 May

Flower Art: A Meditation On Purple And White. Good Night.

by Jon Katz

I decided to do a study in Purple and White, two of my favorite flowers so far this year. The colors just run through my head all day. Another beautiful day. Seeking peanut butter for the children of the food pantry, going to the Mansion for my meditation class, sitting out in the sun with Zip (Zud?) and having lunch with Maria on the porch, then photographing flowers.

I always remember how fortunate I am and how rich my life is. I don’t want to waste a day of it.

This weekend a celebration of Spring, thinking, walking, writing, taking pictures, reading, and giving thanks. I even found a great mystery on Amazon set in Amsterdam. I’ll check it out tonight. I’m checking out early tonight; see you in the morning—zip selfie to come.

Maria and I are finally figuring out how to relax a bit. I’m taking it easy on Saturdays but still blogging and taking pictures.

This is a very Maria story. She came home after an hour-long walk in the woods with Zinnia and Fate. She lost her socks on the walk. She still needs to explain how. I’ll get it out of her. I’m not surprised. She’d walk barefoot until October if she could and if there weren’t so many ticks. I’m signing off for tonight while it’s still light.
I look forward to seeing you in the morning. Please take a look at my pictures.


Purple, then white

White roses are one of my new favorite photos. Their purity is powerful.

Abstract Tulip.

White reflections.

And more interpretation, flowers as spiritual sculptures,

3 May

Selfie, Me And Zip, And Bernie From UPS

by Jon Katz

Zip and I met at our usual time, around 4 p.m. I brought some water and sat in our blue chair—the friend’s chair, I call it—and Zip appeared out of nowhere, hopped onto the armchair, and crawled up my chest to a spot on my shoulder and under my chin.

I have the Iphone ready for a selfie; I want to record our friendship as many people are curious about it and following it. Once I start scratching under his chin, he closes his eyes and sometimes falls asleep right on my shoulder or chest. I hold him under his belly with one hand. He is incredibly soft and affectionate for a wild animal, purring right from the start.

They understand it better than I do, but I enjoy it. On my shoulder, Zip is one of the sweetest creatures I’ve known, right up there with Zinnia. I am blessed to have the two of them around me.

I was happy to see our UPS person, Bernie. Bernie is a rabid animal lover—especially cats—who visits all of the cats on the route and brings them treats. He was delivering a package, saw Zip and me on the chair, and came over. He’s the nicest delivery person I’ve ever met, and we love it when he visits. He can never stay long and runs back and forth to his big brown truck.

Bernie has been looking for Zip, but Zip has been avoiding him. He is friendly but cautious.

I told Bernie to sit down next to us and talk with me for a moment, and Zip carefully approached him and got a few cat treats (Bernie, a good friend) is always ready. Zip got the treats but then jumped back up onto my lap.

Zip is meeting Bernie from UPS, a great cat lover.

Bernie will be back. Sitting in the sun with Zip every afternoon is a meditation, a time for love, calm, and peace. He opens me up and brings me good feelings. We do seem to love one another, but this is the first time I’ve ever fallen so much for a cat. Flow was the first cat to get to me, but she was too much a barn cat to socialize. Zip is a great barn that seems to love some people. But not everyone. He decides who. He is a ferocious hunter.

He said he had just lost his favorite cat on the route, who was run over by a car on nearby Route 61. He said he might be getting a new favorite cat.

Zip is waiting for me. When I start to sit down, he jumps up onto the armchair. He is no fool.

3 May

Portrait: People I Love. Maria Is One Of Them.

by Jon Katz

Maria is a dream come true for me in many ways; one of them is that her emotions show up instantly on her face.

She will smile one moment and cry another, each showing up for short times in different ways. Crying does not mean she is sad; it often means she feels something beautiful. She can never lie or dissemble; I only have to look at her face and know where she is.

This was something I developed as a reporter.

I try not to abuse this power.

Her face, which is also a photographer’s dream, conveys all this emotion. No two portraits are alike. Her face is beautiful to me, and this emotion shows up in her work.

3 May

Mansion Meditation Class. Honoring The Small Things Of Life. “The Attitude Of Gratitude. Zinnia’s New Job

by Jon Katz

Today was shopping day at the Mansion, and most of my meditation class was out buying things at Walmart. I had a small class but a good and very attentive one. I read from Joan  Chittiser’s diary about “the attitude of gratitude” – “application for the small goods of life: the taste of warm, fresh bread, the birthday card in the mailbox, the hour of quiet that returns us to ourselves – is itself a spiritual exercise. It stops us from being whiners. It keeps us in touch with the goodness of God.”

I read more about St. Terese and her “Little Way” of love and good, inspiring me in my work. They love hearing about St. Terese, who died at the age of 24 and was soon made a Saint by the Vatican in 1927. I’m not a Christian, but St. Terese has significantly influenced my life, along with Thomas Merton and other early Christian philosophers and writers.

St. Terese kept her promise to help people there and now.

I’m going to bring white flowers to the class regularly. We also did intense breathing exercises, which they seemed to love. I heard them inhale with strength and meaning. It’s a beautiful class to teach.

There is a lot going on, but please don’t forget the Mansion Fund; they have a lot of needs as summer approaches: Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, New York, or via Paypal, [email protected] or Venmo, Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13. Or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Thank you. Small donations really help.

Zinnia has a new job at the Mansion; I’m training her to walk Art (above) and other residents to the dining room after our Meditation Class. Art needs to remember how to get there.

Art’s companion, June, a meditation class member, was moved to another facility last week and was a bit lost. I need to get him another book on automobiles; it cheers him up.


I told the residents about St. Terese and her love of white roses, which she distributed to those she helped. I brought them one which they loved. I’ll get some every week.

3 May

Today, Friday, The Cambridge Food Pantry Is Out Of Diapers And Dish Soap. They Got A Donation And Pig Box From The Army Of Good.

by Jon Katz

(The Pantry and their “customers” and children need Diapers And Dish Soap – See Below.)

As the weekend looms, there is important news from the Cambridge Food Pantry.

News: First, the two huge donation boxes the Army Of Good donated arrived. One is for local and Amazon food donations, and the other is a “Pig Box” for food scraps that go to pig farmers when produce gets too old to give to people.

It’s called a “Pig Box.” One is at the front of the pantry; the other is on the side. Sarah is pleased about it.

This will make life a lot easier for the pantry. The other news is that the pantry needs two essential items.

Sarah updated the new address on Amazon and is sharing it with pig farmers—and local donors.

The latest donation address for the pantry is 59 South Park Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. This new address, set automatically for donors, has been given to the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Wish List. Food can be ordered and sent in the same way as before.

Unfortunately, as expected, the pantry has run out of essentials. We can help replenish our stock of diapers and dish soap. Your support over the weekend would be appreciated.

The families need Diapers (in two sizes) and  Dish Soap.

Pura Size 6 Co-Friendly Diapers, Totally Chlorine, Hypoallergenic, Soft Organic Cotton, Sustainable,  up to 12 Hours Leak Protection, Allergy UK, 1 Pack of 18 Diapers, $8.98, a reasonable price for diapers at the moment.

Amazon Basics Dish Soap, Fresh Scent, 30 gl. oz. Pack of 4: $14.15.

Also, Size 5 Eco Friendly Diapers For (24-35 lbs), Totally Chlorine, Hypoallergenic, Soft Organic Cotton, Sustainable Comfort, 12 Hours Leak Protection, Allergy OK, I pack of 20 Diapers, $8.98.

Diapers and Dish Soap are not romantic items, but they are two things that can make a household go comfortably or begin to crack. We’d be grateful for help.

The Pantry Shelves. We sent the Campbell Soups.

The Pig Box, From The Army Of Good to the Cambridge Pantry. Life just got a bit easier there.

Sarah spends much of her life hauling and unpacking boxes and ordering food from the Food Bank.

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