10 November

November Wind. Bringing Good Things To me.

by Jon Katz
November Wind
November Wind

We came home from New Jersey to a true November wind, a gray day giving way to a brilliant sunset, the cold wind whipping across the pasture, the grass turning brown, Red going to work again to keep the sheep away from the barn while the donkeys ate, the dog and sheep in the timeless standoff, each defining the other.

This is an important week for me, another important week. I had my Ted Talk, that is out of the way, now on Tuesday my 25th book is being published, “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story,” one of the most important stories in my life. On Tuesday at 7 p.m., I will launch the book at Battenkill Books, my hometown bookstore. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, I’ll be at Northshire’s  new Saratoga store. On Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m., I’ll be on WAMC’s (Northeast Public Radio) Morning Roundtable with Joe Donahue and at 3 p.m. Tuesday (EDT) I will be interviewed for an hour by the brilliant Kathleen Dunn of Wisconsin Public Radio. She is the most penetrating interviewer I ever speak with, I am eager to talk with her.

This week, I’ll also begin kicking off some online promotions for “Second Chance Dog.” People who pre-order the book (there is still more than 24 hours left will get the book signed by Maria and I (if they wish) and will be eligible for free dog food, photos and books. We are hoping to hit 500 pre-orders at Battenkill Books, my local bookstore.(518 677-2515), we are getting close. I will also be giving away free books right up to Christmas through my Facebook Page and the daily postings of topics pertaining to love, dog training, second chances. I’ve got 70 books to give away. I’ll be posting podcasts, videos and other things relating to this book – the new book tour is getting underway. Come and see.

I feel good about the November wind, it is bringing good things to me.



10 November

What Home Is For Me: Why I Must Be Here

by Jon Katz
Why I Must Be Here
Why I Must Be Here

I was sitting at a table at the Ted Talk listening to some of the other speakers when a man came up and introduced himself to me, “do you remember me?,” he asked, “I used to work for you at CBS News. I did remember him, he was a producer then, and he told me that now he teaches journalism at a big midwestern college, has is paid well, travels all over the world with his students, gets health insurance, and will have a big fat pension in a couple of years. He had lost track of me, had never heard of my books, and when I told him I was living on a farm in upstate New York, he was incredulous. “A farm?,” he kept saying, “why?”

I smiled and shook his hand and wished him well, I think he wanted to talk more, he seemed very eager to figure out what had happened to me,  but I wasn’t in the mood to explain myself, and I think I knew better than to try. People either know or they don’t know, I don’t know how to explain it in the back of a crowded room with big crowds and loudspeakers going. I wasn’t really inclined to, I don’t argue my life much or explain it. I did feel a stab of envy, I admit it,  I know I could have had a teaching job, gotten that health insurance, had a nice pension waiting for me down the road. I know that would be nice.

But then I remembered the drive to New Jersey from the farm just a few hours earlier, we drove outside of Cambridge, it was a sparking, achingly beautiful day, the light was popping in and out behind the clouds, there was a gentle breeze, it was just glorious and we passed a huge sheep farm with sheep, lambs, a conscientious old Maremma dog guarding the sheep out in this wide and green pasture. The old boy got up barked and me and rush to the fence to determine my intentions, I walked up to him, showed him my camera, and came slowly to the fence. I know working dogs, and this one wanted to look me in the eye and make up his own mind. “Hey old boy, I am just her to take photos, I am no trouble, I have working dogs and sheep myself.” He woofed once or twice to let me know who was in charge, and then sat down next to the curious ewes, keeping an eye on me but giving me silent permission to do my work. I had my wide angle 14mm landscape lens on the camera, I stepped back and let the sun warm my face, I waited for it to come out and shine.

Maria was in the car, patiently sketching as she always does, she is never impatient or upset at my taking photos, she always uses the time to sketch, I am always eager to show her the photos I have taken, we go over each one, I look at her graceful sketches. I hope she sells them one day, they are lovely.

I stood there for about 15 minutes, the old guard dog came up to the fence and I gave him my hand to sniff. Perhaps he smelled Red, he seemed to approve of me. I told Maria that I could not bear to live in a place where I did not drive by sights like this every day, this beautiful, timeless scene, this ballet between man, dog, nature and sheep. It kissed my soul just to look at it. Then we drove on to New Jersey.

I thought of this scene as my former employee walked away, shaking his head a bit, shocked at my life now, I suspect feeling I had fallen off the edge of the earth, I saw in his eyes that he felt sorry for me. Maybe I have fallen off the earth, but this is my home, this is where I belong. Standing there on the road, Maria up in the car, I knew what home is for me. This Is why I must be here.



10 November

My 10-Point “Creative Aging” Manifesto, Tedx Talk Montclair/ 11/9/2013

by Jon Katz
The Ted Talk Manifesto
The Ted Talk Manifesto

 Delivered to Ted Talk x/Montclair, Montclair State University, November 9, 2013

Aging is not about one thing but many things, some of the beautiful, some of them painful and humbling.

There is a lot of pressure in America on people who are growing older, we are told – never asked – all the time to accept things that will keep us alive and healthy forever, without thought, at any cost, without choice, we are bombarded with warnings and cautions, and when that idea of eternal life and health falls to the earth, as it inevitably must, we are blamed for not being able to figure out how to afford the life that was chosen for us by others. I have been a hospice volunteer for six years, and I have never met a patient who died regretting that he or she had not made more money or bought more long-term health insurance or had a fatter IRA account.

Io can be lonely growing older in America. We have few mirrors in which to guide us or see our own reflections. We are on our own.

Those of us who are beginning to be old, who are already there, are not a demographic the marketers seek. As a result, we have vanished from the popular culture, you will not hear our voices on television or see our faces in you follow the news, read magazines, look at the ads, go to the movies. In those depressing novels from Brooklyn, we are mostly doddering and sexless old fossils, withering expensively on the vine.

So I am learning to be creative and positive and strong about getting older, I am getting older in a different way. I have written my own manifesto, my first ever, I keep it in my Iphone, I read it it when it is necessary to give me strength, to remind myself who I am, not why they tell me I am.

When you fall in love with your  own life, your own heart, life will clap for you.


How to Get Older In America: A Manifesto By Jon Katz

1. I will never downsize my mind or my life, I will never cease to be open to life. A closed mind is the first and saddest death, the death of the mind.

2. I will never complain about the young and talk about how they are not as hard-working, thoughtful or responsible as I was at their age, I will never talk about the good old days, they were never really all that good, I am not here to turn back the clock.

3. My life is not about my health, that is not my currency, my dialogue with the world, my wife, my friends. That is not what defines me. I do not discuss my health with strangers, I do not greet them by asking them about their health, I do not define myself by tests and procedures, my life bounded by visits to the pharmacy. I will decide what health means to me, not some numbers in a blood test,  not some pharmaceutical or insurance company or government agency.

4. I embrace and accept new technologies, new realities, not as unwanted intrusions, but as the parade of change that defines a fulfilled life at any age. Nostalgia is a trap, our lives what we make of them each day. So I have a blog – www.bedlfarm.com. I do podcasts, I take videos. I meet my readers where they are, not where they used to be or I wish they were. My blog is my face in the mirror, my message to the world. Three years ago, at age 63, I re-married in the old barn on the farm I bought when I was 57 years old. I was beginning life anew. I found love.

At my wedding, I read from the poet Mary Oliver’s great anthem, “Mornings At Blackwater.”

So come to the pond,

or the river of your imagination,

and the harbor of your longing,

and put your lips to the world,

And live your life.”

5. I do not apologize for growing older, I know where I am and what I can and cannot do, growing old in America is not a shame, a dark cloud hanging over my head. I am proud of my life, of where I am, there is so much dignity in growing old. Growing old is not the time of apology, it is the age of wisdom. We have nothing to lose by being authentic, we are approaching the night.

6. I will not trade a full life now for an empty life later. I will not permit others to define my life in exchange for money. I will not live a life cast in fear and built on the cruel illusion of security. There is none in this world, not outside of ourselves.

7. I joyously delight in refusing to accept 15 cent senior discounts on coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts or $1.10 off my birdseed at the hardware store. I am happy to tell the teen-aged cashiers that I can afford a cup of coffee and a bag of seed, if they really care about me, then please give my discount to young people with children, they are in greater need. I am not a worthy cause.

8. I approach growing older with acceptance, not denial, with grace, not avoidance, with the embrace of the new, not withdrawal and retreat. Joseph Campbell cautions that you better know where you are in life when the mask comes off. And isn’t that what growing older is really all about? The mask comes off, and for good. We don’t need it anymore.

Fear is a ghost, you can put your finger right through his heart.

9. I am living a meaningful life without much money, I will die a meaningful death with thought and strength. I do not have long-term health insurance. How I died is another way of determining  how I have lived. And whose choice is this, if not mine?

And finally, and perhaps most importantly, I will tell you this, straight from the heart:

10: Do not ever give up on love, even when everyone and everything around you conspires to make you believe it is lost to you and can never be found again. That is the death of the soul, the body left just a hollow shell.

Crisis and mystery are just around the corner, always. So are love and joy.

Thank you for listening to me.













10 November

The Tedx Talk

by Jon Katz
The Ted Talk
The Ted Talk

We got back from the Ted Talk this afternoon, it was, of course, a more complex emotional experience than I expected – why am I always so unprepared for my own life? The talk was in Montclair, N.J., at Montclair State University. Montclair is the hip, media-centric New Jersey town where I lived for 25 years, where I helped raised my daughter, became a writer, wrote novels, mysteries, media criticism, struggled (unsuccessfully) to fit in, got a border collie, fell in love with a farm, changed my writing life, began to deteriorate and ultimately fled to Bedlam Farm, got divorced, and started life all over.  Montclair is a great town, it is not for me any longer, northern New Jersey is an assault on the nerves, an unbroken stream of noise, people, cars, trucks, buildings, roads, noise and malls.

I had not been back there since my divorce, a transformative experience – is there any other kind? – that ended a 35-year marriage, changed my life forever, and spread much pain and suffering. I was surprised at how hard the return hit me, on Friday I felt more discomfort and yes, panic, than I have felt since the divorce itself, I got sick and distracted and worried about my Ted Talk, which was scheduled for Saturday afternoon. My symptoms were so strange – I didn’t sleep all Friday night –  I thought I had taken an overdose of insulin, but I came to see it was one of those full-blown panic attacks that used to chew me up regularly. It was just hard to be back there, where I first became attached in a different way to dogs, where I first wrote about them, where I felt the great stirrings of hope, an aching for love and spiritual change. I wanted to confront my demons, and it turned out that they confronted me and smacked up upside the head. Do not underestimate demons or over-estimate yourself.

We had a Ted Talk rehearsal Friday night, and I met the other talkers – we were all a bit nervous but supportive of each other. I had this feeling I wasn’t really prepared for a 15-minute speech that wasn’t about a book, I had never done it. What, I wondered was I doing here? And when Maria and I wondered into one of Montclar’s many super-hip restaurants for dinner- this was a Moroccan Cafe – we both looked at each and pointed out that the other was freaking out. We know the signs very well.

Saturday I worked hard to steady myself, this wasn’t a book store appearance, this was a speech in front of several hundred people that might be seen by many more. But my throat was dry and swollen, my stomach was rolling up and down, I had bouts of cold sweats. I wasn’t sure I could get through the speech.

It was, in retrospect, fascinating to see how I regressed in just a few hours to the confused and terrified – and insecure – state in which I lived for years. But I know more now, I fought back, I am not that same person, I was not about to screw up this opportunity to bring my message of encouragement and independence back to New Jersey. I meditated, took a walk with Maria, drove by my old house, polished up a 10 point “Creative Aging” manifesto I had been working on all week,  talked to myself, and when I got up on the stage, in the lights, looked down at all of those faces staring up at me, that part of me that loves the spotlight, loves to talk, loves to share my ideas just took over and it was as if another person had entered my mind and taken the wheel .I just knew what to say.

I could feel the talk was good, could see it connecting, and yet I was very surprised to see a number of people standing up and giving me a standing ovation. Some were crying. It was doubly pleasing that so many of them were young, college students it turned out, eager for a message of hope for their future. After the talk, people surrounded me to congratulate me and to ask for copies of the manifesto.

And another important thing happened, something that showed me I was in the right place for me this weekend. I met Jonne McCarron, a Ted Talk volunteer and a long-time reader of my blog, and Ted Talk scout, she e-mailed me a few months ago and asked if I might be interested in participating in Ted Talk/Montclair (Ted Talk is a non-profit foundation that looks for ideas worth sharing on radio and online.) I said no, thanks, II wasn’t. I just wasn’t really drawn to the idea. Then I thought about it (and Random House thought about it) and and I said sure, I’d be happy to. The minute I saw Jonne, I felt as if I had known her all my life, we hugged and just got one another, we became instant friends (Maria too).

I met Jonne and her daughter Megan Saturday and Maria and I went out to dinner with them both at one of my favorite restaurants, a Chinese restaurant just outside of Montclair. I doubt I would have done this even a year or so ago, I just wouldn’t have been open to it. But I knew I wanted to have dinner with Jonne, she was so real, so warm, so bright and genuine, the dinner brought me back to earth, reminded me that there are good and creative people everywhere, where you live is not nearly as important as what is inside of your head and heart. Of course, I ended up urging her to start a blog to share her poetry and knitting, she is thinking about it, I think I got to her. She had a bag full of fabrics and vintage hankies for Maria. We had so much to say to one another.

The four of us spent several hours talking and I realized how grateful I am to this person, until Saturday a stranger, who believes so strongly in my work and my blog, she pushed for me to be included,  and I have this eerie and curious feeling that she might have just changed my life.

So I am home, and glad to be  home. Montclair is a great town, it is not for me any longer, northern New Jersey is an assault on the nerves, an unbroken stream of noise, people, cars, trucks, buildings, roads and malls. I was grateful to have been there, happy to get home.

Almost everyone I met said they wished they had a farm like Bedlam Farm, yet I’ve learned that is an easy thing for people to say, but I don’t really believe it is what most people want – otherwise, they would be here.  I don’t think most of the people telling me that really want to give up the organic food stores, gyms, cafes and restaurants, hip movie theaters and quick access to the Mother Ship, New York. I don’t think most of them – this was a very fit, stylish, buff and intense crowd, nobody looked much like me  – would like a farm at all. It isn’t any more for them than New Jersey is for me. There is this idea that we can simple move out of our lives and into the one we want.

So the journey was a powerful experience for me on many levels. I did what I sent out to do, I brought my message in a place where it will be heard. I went nose to nose with a lot of pain and regret.  I confronted some demons in Montclair, I saw the ghost of myself everywhere, shopping, walking the dogs, driving my daughter around, feeling lonely and isolated there, it was never the right place for me, I was jumping out of my own skin for years, and jumping out of it again this weekend. You cannot, of course, go home again, and why would you want to try?

I loved the talk, it was kismet for me, especially the manifesto,  it just worked. It was an affirmation, I was proud of me for not quitting on it or running away. I’m glad I listened to Jonne.  I’ll put the manifesto up shortly, lots of people at the Ted Talk were asking to see it. I’m not sure I have written too many things, if any, that struck such a deep nerve in people. How lucky to be able to do that.






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