20 March

Lenore’s World:”Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm” (the movie)

by Jon Katz
Lenore's World:"Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm"

“Lenore’s World: Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm” is only 1.32 seconds long, but it was a long way from here to there. My first mini-movie was a collaborative effort. It started a few weeks and 40,000 views ago with Sara Friedman of SocialMomentum.org who kicked my butt a bit to get me into video and onto YouTube. It continued with Maria, who helped shoot some of the scenes, and Dave Bigler and Terry of Bigler Productions, who began teaching me video technique last week (more classes to go). Then there was the donkeys and the dogs. My dogs, bless them, know what to do when they see a camera, and they seemed to love every minute of the process, including Frieda who growled and hammed it up for the camera. Frieda knows how to take care of herself.

Lenore was the star, and I spent a lot of hours hanging out with her, photographing her from different angles, and different settings, and I am happy to say I think I did capture a bit of her wonderful spirit and the enormous impact she has on life around her, in a way, the point of the children’s book. It’s easy to take  good things for granted but shooting this little video reminded me of what a special, and even powerful creature she is. This is way different than writing. I spent 10 hours or so shooting and editing this, and drove Maria nearly mad rushing outside to shoot another take, and then another. The dogs went a little crazy during the editing process, responding to the barks, squeaky toys and commands on the movie, repeated over and over.

I see that video and other visual elements are are an integral part of story-telling and publishing. And I just got comfortable with still photography. And this is also a very potent new tool to call attention to my books. Twice now, I have brought “Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm” down by nearly 100,000 rankings on Amazon in just a few hours by posting videos relating to the book, neat for a book that isn’t out yet. I get it.

Last night, “Meet The Dogs” was 65,000 on Amazon (the books’ pub date is April 27). I want to see what Lenore’s movie does for it today. I’ll report back. I have to admit, I enjoy trying to figure this all out. Brave New World kind of thing.

A few years ago, a writer friend asked me why I worked so hard on the blog. There were a lot of reasons, I said, but one was that I refused to be come irrelevant. I said I felt that I wanted my  voice to go where my readers go, not the other way around. The process is a whirlwind, as most things technological are. I’ve been through tech support, customer service, confusing catalogues, and  three cameras already – one busted, one sold, one being bartered. And the usual tramping around in the mud and ice.  I’m liking my Panasonic. If this all works, I can see making longer films. I see videos need to be short, dynamic and filled with different movements and perspectives. Some of mine will also be soft and reflective, part of the spirit on the farm. I love presenting this visually. You can see it for yourself.

And of course, the point of this is to call attention to my first children’s book, “Meet The Dogs of Bedlam Farm,” and sell some.  That’s what pays for the blog, the farm and the photos. I have learned in recent years to come to terms with the marketplace.

I’m proud to bring you into “Lenore’s World,” the first video I really thought about and edited, and not the last.

Jeff Bridges, move over. You’re up against the Hound Of Love.

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