2 November

Shushan Cows: On to Wilmington, Vt. What Lives Within Us. Warnings.

by Jon Katz
What lives within us


Thoreau wrote that what lies ahead of us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us, and I believe that is so. The past is unchangeable and the future is unpredictable. Increasingly, what matters the most to me is what is evolving inside of me. Peace of mind, love, faith, a spiritual life, answering the creative spark that is the sacred part of all of us. When I am out on the book tour, I am constantly confronted with other people’s idea of what is news for me – world markets, sadness, anger and cruelty. Many of those things live within me, still, but they do not matter to me, and they are quieting. I could not believe how many warnings I heard waiting for the train to New York this morning: don’t stand by the rails, be careful getting onto the platform, watch out for the escalator, be careful of small children, don’t pet the bomb-sniffing dogs when they come to sniff your luggage, don’t leave bags unattended, don’t leave cars alone, or for more than a few minutes, or for more than two hours on the floor above,  report suspicious people and activity to the police right away. And this is before boarding the train?

The very pleasant process of taking a train reminds me of health care – an obsession with things that might be, rather than things that are.

How did we get to this? Is this really how people wish to live? Is this freedom or safety?

Perhaps for some. I have chosen not to live in a world of warnings, of possible dangers, it is not healthy for my soul, for my body, not what I wish to lie within me.

Today, the book tour resumes at 6 p.m., at the Deerfield Elementary School, Wilmington, Vt., talk and signing for “Going Home” and to benefit Bartleby’s Books, and independent bookstore in Wilmington heavily damaged by Hurricane Irene. Then Saturday, Barnes and Noble, 2 p.m., Saratoga Springs. In the evening, I have agreed to speak as part of the speaker’s program at Temple Beth El, Bennington, Vt., 7 p.m. Next week, book tour ends, at least this part of it. Connie Brooks at Battenkill Books reports her new PayPal campaign, couple with free videos and notecards for people purchasing “Going Home” is working well. I have more books to sign tomorrow. Go check out her website or call her at 518 677 2515 and make some noise for real freedom.

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