11 February

Rocky, Maria. The Language of Emotion

by Jon Katz
Rocky, Maria


I am very conscious that I use the camera to shield emotion sometimes, as I feel so much of it and have always learned to be careful about showing it. The camera is something tangible to put between me and the things I feel and see. It also captures emotion for me, and emotion is often the point of my photos. I was very much affected by the news that Rocky’s human and companion for 30 years has died, and he remains in a pasture behind the farmhouse where they both spent their lives. I wonder what is next for Rocky and his life.

Curious that I went to see him yesterday, not knowing that this proud and loving farm widow had already passed away. Rocky looked different to me, even without my knowing. I told Maria there was something changed about him. As much as any animal I know of, Rocky served his human well and to the end. Now, it is his turn to go, in his own time and way. The two of them lived as powerful symbols of love and devotion.

Because I felt so emotional about him, I brought Maria with me to go see him this afternoon, to offer condolences on his owner’s passing, something for me rather than him, or as well as him. I believe that Maria communicates very powerfully with animals – I have seen this again and again – because she has so much emotion and it is so honest and so close to the surface.  This has changed me, and the animals around me. This is the language of animals, I believe, despite our persistent efforts to put our words in their heads.

Animals smell emotion, literally, and sense it with instincts we do not have, and respond to it, and I saw this again today.

I have visited Rocky a score of times, often with a camera in front of me. I have talked to him, tossed him apples, photographed him. I have never touched him, nor has he ever whinnied for me, as he did for Maria.

With Maria, it was very different, as I had hoped. The two of them made a powerful, palpable, connection of emotion, and how ironic and fortunate for me to photograph that as well as see it.  She simply opens herself to animals, and they to her. I believed this was healing, for him, for Maria also, for me. It was a powerful thing to see, and to feel. This is the power of animals, I believe, and of some of the people who love them honestly and unselfishly. I am putting up a photo album of their encounter today on my Facebook Page and the photos touch me and may, perhaps, touch you. I am grateful to be able to take them and share them. They speak very much for themselves and show, I think, the establishment of emotional connection and comfort between an animal and a loving human being.

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