4 August

Kitchen Painted. New Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz
Kitchen Painting

Maria finished painting the kitchen in our new home today, white on the walls and cabinets, blue on some of the walls, just as Florence had it. The kitchen has really brightened up. I did two of the walls and two doors, and today I began sanding the windowsills, finished mowing. Maria works like a dervish, and she knows how to paint. I married well. She loves farm chores and painting, though not as much as her art. It is a gift to be doing this ourselves. It was sweltering but we had a blast. I made lunch – peanut butter and jelly, berries, biscotti and we danced to Kanye West. We were really hopping there for a bit and Red got so excited he started herding us. The three of us danced together a good bit. Good we have no close-by neighbors, the walls were humming.

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