4 March

A Saturday Dash To NYC

by Jon Katz
Dash To New York City
Dash To New York City

We had this impulse yesterday to see something different, it happens when you live in a small town, especially in the winter, even in this winter that wasn’t. We decided on the spur of the moment to head for New York City for one day and see a museum or two and walk on the Highline, the wondrous renovated elevated freight train line that runs along the waterfront on the West Side.

We both need to see something different.

Maria has a couple of exhibits she is excited to see, and I might be able to set up a lunch with my daughter, who I see too little of. We are leaving before dawn on a train from Albany and coming back in the early evening. The day should be nice, in the 40’s, we will walk and walk, maybe meet my daughter for lunch.

I’d love to show Maria the new Whitney Museum and there are other exhibits she wants to see are in the neighborhood. It is a beautiful train rode along the Hudson, I have a good book to read and some music to listen to on my Iphone. I’m bringing my camera, hope to get some photos there. Deb Foster, our friend and farm sitter, will be in residence.

We have learned the art of the quick trips and one day will get a good long  vacation.  New York is always energizing and stimulating and the train ride is a spiritual experience in itself. See you soon, I’m a good bet for blisters, we walk a lot in New York. Maybe I’ll get to see some carriage horses.

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