4 March

Living With Animals: Following Your Bliss

by Jon Katz
Living With Animals
Living With Animals
“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” – Joseph Campbell

When Maria and I met sometime in 2005, neither of us had ever lived with animals beyond dogs or cats. That seems unnatural to both of us today. Until I was in my mid-50’s I had never set foot on a farm and then I bought one and came to live there with dogs, sheep, donkeys, goats, cows, chickens and barn cats.

It was madness, but a kind of wonderful madness, it is saner now, and I can no longer imagine a life without animals. I did not imagine when I met Maria that she would take to this life so completely and naturally. Every day, she takes her bucket of brushes and tools and heads out into the pasture. She bends over her big pony and scrapes the dirt out of her hooves. The pony, who weighs hundreds of pounds, could stomp or butt Maria right through the fence, or just walk away, but she stands quietly by and waits for Maria to finish.

She does not need a halter or a rope unless they are going for a ride or a walk.

The donkeys come over and line up and wait their turn, they love to be brushed and groomed by her, to have their hooves cleaned as well.

Watching this today, I asked Maria if she realized how comfortable she seemed, how much at home, how at ease she was with these animals, how happy she seems and in her element. She looked at me and smiled, a bit surprised. “I don’t really see it” she said, “but you are right. I am at home.” This is a beautiful thing to see, for Maria, for everyone.

Maria is living her life, on her adventure, following her bliss. She fixes gates, shovels manure, re-arranges hay in the barn, you would think she had been doing it her whole life.  And I did the same, thank God. I followed my bliss, came to this life, answered the call to adventure and doors opened for where I didn’t know they were going to be. One of them was Maria.

I am so grateful that she followed the call, summoned the courage to follow her heart and be fulfilled. Our animals are a reflection of our happiness. They share it with us. Every time I see her with her animals (and mine) my heart lifts at the wonder and promise of life. You can see it in the animals as well, they know and trust and love her.

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