17 September

Back To Class

by Jon Katz
Back To Class
Back To Class

My writing class at Pompanuck Farm resumed today, two couldn’t make it. The class is special to me, a group of gifted people with a special chemistry. The class is a safe place, a place of encouragement and ideas. We have confronted some elemental issues in our lives there, learning to be authentic, to show feeling and emotion.

There is no homework in class, no forced assignments, the ideas come from the students, people write because they want to write, not because someone made them write. I got a heavy head cold during the day, I am kind of a wreck tonight, and am going to bed early. I hope to sleep it off.

Maria is adamant about my resting tomorrow, and I am not good at that, so we’ll see what happens. I am tired for sure.

But I am happy that the class is cranking up again for the Fall. We were supposed to meet for four weeks, that was about a year ago. Teaching has become a calling to me, like writing and photography.

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