17 September

Sam Grubb, Sam Shot Photography

by Jon Katz
Sam Shot Photography
Sam Shot Photography

I felt an almost mystical connection to Sam Grubb when I saw  him carrying his camera and staring at my photos in the Round House Cafe, a few days after my portrait show opened there. I had this strange sensation that I was looking at an earlier version of me, when I was also 17 years old, and dreaming of writing and taking pictures.

I wrote but did not take pictures for decades,  but I always ached to have a camera and envied people who did. Sam”s photos are on his Facebook page, Sam Shot photos, take a look, he knows what he is doing. In a sense, I felt I was in a Twilight Zone episode, crossing paths with myself in time.

Why would I feel this? How could this be? Perhaps because he is just starting out as a photographer, and so am I, I have always been a writer, and now I am a writer and a photographer. Perhaps he will be a writer also. Jamie made me acutely aware of time, we are at opposite ends of life in many ways, yet in others, we are in the same place.

I felt an instant kinship with him, we seemed a part of the same community.

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