22 February

Do You Think You’re Not Sleeping In India? Maria’s Shoes Outside Soma’s House

by Jon Katz

Photo by Maria Wulf

Maria has a habit of growing and growing, there is nothing much in the creative realm that she cannot do beautifully. I have to get used to the fact that she is a wonderful writer and photographer also, something we can share but also makes me humble. Move over, Jon. I will need all of my big ego.

I always knew Maria was talented, but I never quite grasped the depth of her skills. I respect and admire her greatly as well as love her.

She took this photo with her Iphone, it triggered a beautiful dream she wrote about on her blog. I love the image, she explains it in her dream, they were at Soma’s house in a village outside of Kolkata, they left their shoes outside. And I can spot Maria’s shows, they are the red ones outside the door, I bought then for her as a Christmas gift in Manchester, Vt. four or five years ago, and she loves them

The photo touches me, I feel close to her shoes, and thus, to her, and I love the magic and mysticism of this photo, it says so much about her and about India. Maria’s photos and journals from India are wonderful, another great step forward for her, her blog posts have been inspiring to me.

They have persuaded me to go back to India with her if she invites me and it works for her and her program there. I want a couple of days with my Canon in Kolkata. And I told her I am not that keen to spend more weeks alone on the farm in the middle of winter. It’s a different place without her. I love it still, but it is not the same.

I think the donkeys feel the same way.

India is rich in color and feeling, Maria is capturing it so beautifully. She comes home Sunday. About time. The Cassandra experiment is working out beautifully, I am leaving her alone to do her work, which she does so well.

I am happy and busy, and worn out. A small farm, but keeps me going all day long, and I am beginning to get to work on my book after a tumultuous week. I went to the market to get some fresh salmon for her when she comes home, it’s her favorite meal. Polenta and salad as well.

This is one of my favorite photos from India, it says so much more than it seems to say. I love those shoes.

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