22 February

Moms With Pots. When Our Hearts Turn To Stone, Help For The Refugees

by Jon Katz

Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. ‘Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” – Jesus Christ.

Thomas Merton wrote that prayer and love are learned in the hour when prayer becomes impossible and the heart has turned to stone. I feel some mornings that we are at that hour, when prayer seems impossible and we are called upon to keep our hearts from turning to stone.

The truly spiritual person is one who has discovered the art of finding leisure even in the midst of his or her work, by working with such a spirit of commitment and detachment and memory that even work becomes a prayer.

For me giving a gift each day to the  gift page supporting the newly arrived refugees from Syria and other countries in America is my daily prayer. My prayer today is a package of multi-colored spiral notebooks for the refugee children to take to school, they need everything – shoes, socks, backpacks, and notebooks. They come in a box of 24 of varying colors and have 70 sheets in each and the notebooks cost $30.32 and they come to me in this hour when prayer sometimes seems impossible and so many hearts have turned to stone.

Some of the gifts – recommended and distributed by the U.S. Committee On Refugees And Immigration – cost as little as $2 (prayer mats), others, like six back packs, cost up to $130.

I am not a Christian, but I am touched by the love of Christ for the needy, and I can help fill the hungry and help those who weep laugh. Love and compassion keep the heart from turning to stone.

These good people, mostly women and children have suffered terribly, are here in America legally, they want nothing more than to live in peace and safety, work hard and support their families, and one day,  to be re-united with their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and children. They are no threat to you or your families.

They have come to America at a frightening time of change, when our hearts seem to have turned to stone, and they have lost everything and need everything I will be meeting them in the coming weeks and writing more about them.

We have filled up the USCRI warehouse, hope to do it again. The Army Of Good is on the move.

Check out the Amazon gift page, it is inexpensive and very simple. No need to argue. Do good.

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