5 June

Come Celebrate Our Lives And Creativity At The Spring Open House

by Jon Katz

This Saturday, a celebration of our lives at Bedlam Farm, of the art of rural life, of creativity, poetry and community.

Maria snookered me into narrating a brief recitation of our plans for Saturday and Sunday, the Open House is held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. The Open Houses have evolved, they have a festive, gentle and connecting feeling to them. The heart of the Open Houses is the wonderful art Maria has made and gathered here at the farm.

I will be doing sheepherding with Red and Fate, there will be readings, Ed Gulley is bringing a sweet cow, the RISSE soccer team is coming, so are some residents from the Mansion Assisted Care Facility. Check out the video and if you are in the neighborhood, stop by. Details are on Maria’s website.

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