5 June

Keep Our Country Great: Send $1 To The New Refugees And Immigrants At RISSE

by Jon Katz
Keep Our Country Great

If you are feeling frustrated or helpless about our country, I have an idea for you, and also for me. Let’s take our country back and keep it great.

Refugees and immigrants are a part of our national soul, we are not a selfish and greedy and fearful people. We have always been generous and compassionate and brave. And we have always cherished liberty.

The campaign against these vulnerable and good people is a stain on our national honor. It is not who we are. So I decided to send RISSE this simple message, which is, for me,  both grounding and hopeful.

My idea was to ask the people in the Army Of Good to each send RISSE a dollar. Last year, the offices at RISSE, the refugee and immigrant support center headquartered in Albany, N.Y., were burned down by arsonists, who also slashed the tires on all of the RISSE vans.

That was during another period of hatred and hysteria, another time of panic.

I am told a large number of people have already responded and sent RISSE $1 or more.

RISSE is desperately in need of funds there to support their education and day care programs, and their family support, sports teams and classes and counseling for adults.

They are essential to these new and future citizens and their children. It would be wonderful for them to see the real spirit of America, in a way that is simple and inexpensive. They take checks, Paypal and credit cards, you can send them $1 (or more) by going here.

Yesterday, I watched the dispiriting American response to the terror attacks in England, and was ashamed to be an American.

I was touched by the bravery and resolve of the British people, I thought it would be a wonderful message for RISSE and the many refugees and immigrants for whom the center is a support and lifeblood if people send them a different message, if we all send them $1.  This for me is a true American message of generosity and support, a simple statement about who we really are, an investment in taking back our country.

The RISSE refugees and immigrants have struggled, sometimes for years, to get to America and endured the worst kind of terror, often worse than anything that has been inflicted on us. They are no threat to us, they are working hard to assimilate and become productive citizens. They are here legally, their lives are hard and challenging, made more so their recent exploitation by politicians and fearful Americans.

These are not our enemies, they are not people who should be banned from our country.

This week, I am happy to be sending RISSE a check for $1,000, donated by many of you, to purchase a projector and screen for their classrooms. And we will also be buying new uniforms for the RISSE soccer team. But your $1 messages may be the thing they most need to hear today.

Enough speechifying. If you are so inclined, please consider sending RISSE one dollar today so on the even of the arsonists attacks, they get a different message from America. Thanks for thinking about it.

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