26 November

Red’s Support Team. Circle Of Support

by Jon Katz

(Photo by Maria Wulf)

I guess I was lost in my talking to Red, I did not know Maria was taking this photo. It is an exceptionally good one, in that it  captured a special moment in our home.

I had gone to lie down on the floor with Red, it seems to perk him up, he had been lying there for several hours.  It is hard for me to see him so crippled he can’t stand up.

Then  Bud, who had been lying next to Red, rushed over to kiss my nose, as long as I was on the ground, and Fate, who had been sleeping in the other room, came in and hopped up on the footstool to survey the scene.

Everything is Fate’s business. Everything is Bud’s business. Red is the only dog in the house who lives quietly, and within himself. He doesn’t need to know everybody’s business, he does need to know mine.

I do believe Bud especially is aware of Red’s troubles, and is trying to support him. Fate keeps a close watch over Red, like Bud, she adores him, but she is more reserved that Bud, she stays back and watches from a distance, much like me.

Tonight, I thought it was time to get close to Red,  he was aware of me for sure, and looked more alert. I hope he will stand up soon and move around a bit, usually when I go into my study, he finds a way to get there.

Just after I wrote that paragraph, I heard him scrambling pulling himself along the carpet on his front legs, coming to find me. He did, he is lying behind me as I wrote this, he has finally gone to sleep.

We’re off on this unchartered journey, it will take a while, there will be no instant or dramatic or revelatory conclusion. I’m prepared for him to get well, I’m prepared for him not to get well. Nobody knows this future.

Dr. Fariello says the sedatives Red had and the acupuncture almost certainly stirred up his spinal issues, let’s wait and see how he is in the morning. She seems hopeful he will be up and walking.

So the roller coaster begins. You know it, I know it. I tell myself several times a day that no one has a patent on suffering and pain, everyone has it worse than me, everyone is fighting their own battles.

When I tell people Red is sick, they almost always tell me about the dog they had that was sick. This seems to be the almost universal language of the dog world, people trying to tell me they have been there too.

Of course they have, all have, and will again. That is the contract, the toll, the price we pay for loving dogs. No one owns the rights to it. No one’s troubles are better or worse than anybody else’s.

When I hear these stories, I try to listen.


  1. I know you are aware of the wheeled carts they make for paralyzed dogs. That could be a real choice for Red if he isn’t in pain at some point. I feel sad for him.

    1. Not a choice for me or my dog, Nora…When Red can no longer live the natural life of a dog, I will do him the honor and service of helping him to leave the world. Everyone has to make their own choice, this is mine and has always been.

  2. So sad that Red is going through this and the rest of you also. I’m sure you know it isn’t just dogs who go through this. We have had house rabbits (no cage, just litterbox, etc.and night time enclosures.) It is sad for everyone involved. We are sorry you have pain and for Red, if he does too. So many people…and animals care for him. This picture is wonderful. We will be praying for Red’s improvement and wisdom for the vet and for you as all this progresses. Thinking of Red and both of you.

  3. I think it’s a good sign that with rest, meds and all the wonderful things you are doing for Red that he was able to walk a bit on his own. You and Red are the best, love and care is evident. Keep on healing Red!

  4. So sorry to hear about Red. Include me in the circle. I will send good thoughts to you and your family. Whatever the outcome. What a stellar animal. He’s so stoic. It’s always difficult to see our companions in pain. I wish you peace…

  5. No unsolicited advice, no stories about my own animals’ demise. Sending only love and support, and the promise that I will do what I can to add light to my own acre. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

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