17 November

Zinnia’s Lairs

by Jon Katz

We set up a number of crates and pens in the farmhouse so that Zinnia can get plenty of rest. She sleeps more than half the day, which she needs at this point in life, and plays and cuddles and chews the rest of the day.

I call them Zinnia’s lairs, each one is stuffed with bones and toys or plastic water bottles to chew.

One or the other of us is almost always home, and Zinnia loves sitting in this living room pen so she can see and be near the other dogs and also be a part of the family.  Here, she chews or sits quietly or sleeps while we eat, talk and go about our business.

She is already getting four or five walks a day, and three of four play sessions with Bud in the back yard. The two of them play tug-of-war and chase each other all of the yard.

Zinnia also has a private crate next to my study where she sleeps alone at night, it is covered in blankets and is a warm and cozy cave with things to chew on a stuffed animal she loves.

This way, she can acclimate slowly into our lives. She already gets that evenings are quiet her, she and Bud and Fate all sleep in front of the fire (she’s in this pen) when it gets dark. No playing or roughhousing in the house, plenty of playing and roughhousing outside.

Even Fate is beginning to accept her. I think she needs to rest at least half of the day. She sometimes disagrees.

There is also a smaller crate in my study, I’m beginning to rest her in there while I write. Zinnia has a good life. We train very briefly and softly – she knows her name, sits when asked, and her tail is usually going like an airplane propeller. I’ve introduced her to four or five people in our town and she is already much loved.

She likes her crates and find peace and refuge in them, this keeps her from being stressed or overwhelmed. Quite often, she’ll go into the crate voluntary to curl up and chill. Most of the time, she’s trying to raise some hell, chasing Bud or eating leaves out in the yard.

In her crate at night, here is no whining or complaining Fate sleeps in the crate next to her. We are finding out routines and rhythms. We are just delighted to have her and get all of our lives on some normal plane. So far, so good.

I’m waiting a couple of weeks to bring her to Bishop Maginn or places where there are more than one or two people. I did bring her in to meet Georgianna and Nancy, the Secret Garden crowd, but she hasn’t met the Mansion crew at large yet, maybe towards the end of next week.

She is just about housebroken – just one accident on the carpet, which we interrupted successfully. Zinnia is a very confident, assertive and playful creature. She is a beautiful dog, with a great temperament. Our vet says she is in perfect health and body and bone structure.


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