13 December

Who’s Sitting In My Chair?

by Jon Katz

Zinnia is not allowed on the furniture, and up to now, she hasn’t been able to get on. When I came into the living room, she was sitting comfortably in my chair, the Queen of Bedlam Farm.

I told her to get off and she looked surprised and somewhat annoyed.

Bud gets up on the sofas all the time, he’s allowed. Zinnia is not, I am mindful of the stakes. Bud is a little dog, Zinnia will be a big dog. I’m not giving in on this one, no matter how cute she is.


  1. We have had retrievers forever, and only one pair were taught not to get on the furniture. I missed them. After that, all of them were allowed and having them there was great. They were never that dirty, and with a blanket for a sofa cover it was washable. It is called Fur. .niture. The last of the Labs died in April, my husband and I are over 80, and I have doubts about being able to give a good life to a new dog. My heart says Yes, my brain Not So Sure. I am following Zinnia with great interest.

  2. What a completely lovely picture.
    It reminds me of our much loved, long gone dog Tambo. He was a half-chow and completely obedient, we thought. Never allowed into our bedroom we came home early one day to see evidence of a crime–his tennis boll lying smack on the middle of our bed.

  3. My Silverado (yellow lab) is not allowed on my furniture until my youngest son (31) comes to the house and mom is not home. But that is the only time he does it???⛄❄

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