27 January

After The Storm. Blower, Shoes, Falls, Leak

by Jon Katz

I’m grateful for my ice-gripping shoes, the best ones I’ve ever had, the new wooden rail by the back porch, and the new snowblower. I can contribute, feel useful, be useful, avoid falling and give my heart a break.

My Snow Joe Battery-Powered  snowblower turned out to be a great investment. We had about 6-8 inches of snow, and it’s a perfect amount for the blower, which is quiet and earth-friendly.

I made several paths for Maria and me and the animals. It’s stronger than I expected and shockingly easy to use. Zinnia likes to try to catch the snow as it blows around.

Life on a farm is filled with small dramas, and we had one this morning.

A plastic pipe leading from the water pump struck a small leak and we didn’t notice it. We heard the pump coming on when it shouldn’t have been.

Maria and I have a well-rehearsed drill, she tells me what’s happening, tries to fix it and if she can’t, yells to me to find help. I get on the phone.

It is never easy finding a plumber up here, and in bad weather, it’s almost impossible.

Everyone was busy, backed up, unavailable for days. What you do is ask each one for a recommendation, and as you go down the list, and keep writing numbers down,  some name always pops up., someone is available. It’s a bit of Russian Roulette, you never know.

I am good on the phone and relentless. It only took me about eight calls to locate Mike, a new name. He’s coming by around noon after he finishes his snow plowing.

We got it in time. If the pump had burned out, we’d really be in a hole. Odd to say, but it’s good to have a normal snowstorm, 4- 10 inches, they are easy to handle.

Our driveway is already plowed, the cars dugout, the animals safe, dry, and fed. My shoes grip the pice, the blower makes a good clean path, the rail gives me something to hang onto when there’s ice.

Preparation is new to me.

The leak is a small and slow one, no rupture or gushing, at least not yet.

Just waiting for Mike. Life here is always on the edge in one sense. There is no 911 really (not close by) and large numbers of people get in trouble at the same time, mostly due to weather.



  1. Oh Jon, at the mention of the new shoes I remembered I needed to thank you for the idea. I contacted yak tracks after reading of your dilemma and for 15 dollars got a pair of slip on chains that will fit on any pair of boots. I had already gone down in our parking lot a few times. Last time I banged my head and stuff got real. So thanks again for the inspiration, I wouldn’t of thought of it. So much easier to get around!

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