2 March

Joy And The 99 Per Cent World

by Jon Katz

I’ve been on a Kabbalah reading kick lately; there is always some treasure and joy in there for me as I inch my way towards spiritual life.

There is good luck in the world, says the Kabbalah, even if you don’t believe in it.

Last night, I entered the world of the 99 Percent.

It is a Kabbalah notion, this 99 Percent World; it’s been dancing around in my head for a couple of days. What a gorgeous way it is of looking at the world, and I am starting to believe it is true.

According to the mystics, we humans live in the one percent of the world that is our familiar reality. Ordinary life, the follies of humans.

The other side of the curtain, they wrote hundreds of years ago, is the 99  percent – and it is ultimately by far the most important and the most uplifting.

This 99 percent world, says the Kabbalah,  is the source of all true fulfillment. All knowledge, wisdom, and joy inhabit this realm.

This is the domain that God and the Kabbalists call the Domain Of Light.

It makes sense to me that the hate and anger in the world are the smallest part of it. Love lives in and comes from the 99 Percent World.

We access this world when we experience joy; that is the key.

We enter this realm when we do good or feel love and compassion. It might be from the hug of a child, the lick of a dog, the comfort of a friend,  a gift to the poor, the touch of a lover, a flower bursting open in a garden, a small act of great kindness, beautiful music, or a wonderful book.

The joy is what comes from the 99 Percent World. It is always there, and we always have access to it. It depends on how we choose to live.

This makes sense in my life.

The One Percent World is the world of Washington, of hateful politicians, of the corporate news, the need for money. The other world is the real one.

The 99 Percent world is the world of light and good and fulfillment. It is ours, right at our fingertips. We can enter at any time. I feel this joy all the time, when I do something good for someone else.

There is a powerful space where mysticism meets reality. It lifts the heart and the soul right up.


Photo. Tree And Shadow, Bedroom Window.


  1. I believe the spiritual realm is right here along with ours, constantly interacting with this one. I think the Kabbalah is expressing what I believe, too. The more open we are to the love, joy, & beauty of God the better off we are are. He wants us to know him. He loves us so much and woos us with the beauty of a flower, the purity of a small child’s smile, the exhilaration of a bright blue sky.

  2. Jon, I love your pictures and blogs about your life with Maria. Makes me smile and sometimes cry (screech owl). We think alike. Thanks for always posting your thoughts.

  3. I loved this post, Jon. I can choose the 99 percent or the 1 percent. Feeling good is more important to me these days, so the 99 percent is what I mostly choose to focus on, to think, to see and say and do. When I do choose the 1 percent, it does not feel good so I don’t stay there very long. The other is calling to me, lovingly. I can only be helpful when I am full of the light.

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