2 March

The Wake-Up Squad

by Jon Katz

Maria sicced her wake-up squad on me again, this time I was in a deep sleep. I dreamt a dog was licking my ear. But actually was licking my ear.

My dream was rudely interrupted when Zinnia jumped up onto the bed and landed right on my stomach. Fate is both agile and courteous, she put her head down on my neck, a loving gesture.

Then Zinnia climbed upon my chest and started licking my face, up to one end and down the other.

I woke, as they say. And climbed out of bed quickly. My working dogs are quick studies. They have figured out that it’s time for a photo op once I get up. I’m not turning that down.

One woman grumped on my blog posts that she was sick of my photos of the wake-up squad. Once is enough, she said. I thought she was kidding.

If I put them up every single day for the rest of my life, I’d be a rich man. Stay tuned for more adventures of “The Wake-Up Squad.”

I’m thinking appreciation postcards.


  1. Never ever can there be to many pics. of the wake up squad. What a wonderful, blessed way to wake up every morning to the sound of paws bounding up the stairs in joyous excitement. Hearing them is hearing love. Waking up to their faces and bodies displaying their utter joy and love for you. I can just see Marie smile as she also hears them on their way up the stairs. I can hear the joy in your written words about this now daily ritual. Keep sharing, don’t let anyone steal the joy.

  2. Well, I for one like your posts/pictures of your wake up squad so keep them coming! I have met and seen other dogs who love to get their picture taken and have seen some of them cry when their owner tells them to get out of the picture! I miss having a dog but our budget doesn’t allow it right now, so I enjoy getting to know yours.

  3. Ah, but it’s never the *same* picture 🙂 There are folks who have made years long projects of taking a photo of the same vantage point, day after day. It’s a study…and it’s a joy!

  4. JON, PLEASE KEEP THESE PRECIOUS PICTURES COMING! Your ‘Wake-Up’ Squad would be a dream come true for many of your readers. That bitter woman can go somewhere else!

  5. I’m a fan of ALL your photos, Jon! Well…maybe not your photo of The Scream cuz I then know a political discussion is following :)…but keep them ALL coming! Anyone who doesn’t like it should just keep quiet or go read something else! Sheesh.

  6. I love your wake up photos. I lost my dog a little over a year ago and I’m unable to replace her so the pitures of your crew are uplifting to me.

  7. That reader doesn’t know what she is talking about, I love your pics of the wake up squad, we have two of of our own but they are cats.

  8. I love seeing pictures of the 3 dogs. I can’t imagine ever thinking I’d seen enough. Please keep it up. We all need those wonderful pictures to make us smile.

  9. I never tire of pictures of ‘the wake-up squad’ or of any picture you take of the farm & Maria. Also, I always learn something from your blog posts. You are so well read & informed. Keep it up!?

  10. Yes Jon as a pack leader of 6 Miniature Schnauzers I can truly say I dearly love your doggy photos, and especially the wake up squad ones. Keep them coming please. Check out the talking dog Pluto from Canada. She is priceless also. ????

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