27 March

Last Light. Horse And Carriage On The Road

by Jon Katz

I barely noticed the Amish cart clop-clopping down the road at dusk, I was in the pasture with Maria taking pictures. I wasn’t sure I even got the shot at all until I looked at the computer.

I love the horse and carriage shots, they are soothing in their own right, but the carriages look so natural as if they grew out of the ground or on the side of the hill.

The sight and sound of these carriages have transformed our little-town and brought it beauty and joy.

As I write this, the dogs started barking and I heard the roll of the carriage wheels on the asphalt, two small red lights dangling off the back of the carriage.

I waved to them in the window – I’m in my study – and I’m not sure, but I thought I saw a hand waving back.

I loved this photo when I saw it and that is one of the joys of photography when the camera takes over and did a better job than you did.


    1. They go to the market for milk and food, and they go visit other Amish families to help them out…On Sundays all the families take off from work and gather at each others homes to pray

  1. My Octopus Teacher, on Netflix, is an incredible documentary and nominated for an Oscar. You and Maria (and your blog followers) might like it. Or love it! Or not!

  2. They need to all get Black Cars. The roads today are hard on the hoses legs. They are not dirt roads, Also there are so many Accidents because cars don’t see them in the evening or dark and some people don’t have patience to Drive that slow behind them then they pass and then there is an accident. Also they let their children drive the horse and buggy on the main roads they aren’t even old enough to be driving On main roads or any roads where there is traffic. It would be much safer if they just would get CARS ,
    And everyone would be safer., also save the horses legs it’s a big jar on their legs and Can hurt them

    1. Sheri, I appreciate your thoughts, but I’m not interested in getting them to overturn their most deeply held religious beliefs. They have the right to live as they choose to live, I’m unaware of any documentation of the claim that properly shoed working horses are being harmed by walking on asphalt or concrete. These are lucky horses, without this work they would be dead. When will the animal rights movement stop driving animals out of our world? It is not safer for horses without work to be sent to Mexico and have bolts driven through their heads. We need to find more ways for animals to remain among us not to banish them from our world because we are too lazy and greedy to make room for them.

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