31 March

We Found The Chicken’s Hiding Place

by Jon Katz

I like to think of myself as being smarter than our chickens, but every Spring, they prove me wrong. We let the chickens roam freely on the farm, but when it gets lighter, they find secret spots to lay their eggs.

We love eating fresh eggs, and no matter how hard we search, we have trouble finding their eggs until it’s too late, and we can smell them in the heat.

Maria found one yesterday, and another today, and both eggs were delicious.


  1. If you let them have the eggs in their house would they sit on them and tend to them so they would hatch some really cute little baby chicks? If so it would be another wonderful thing to take pictures of and let us all hear about them.

      1. Well, that’s a no brainer. Shows you what I know about living on a farm. Thanks for the answer.

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