15 August

The Queen Of Sweet: The Best Way To Start The Day

by Jon Katz

Zinnia is the best way to start the day. If she is your dog, then she will be sitting at the foot of the bed, out of the way, but eagle-eyed, watching closely for the first signs of movement. She never bothers me, makes noise, nudges me, or wakes me up.

When my eyes open and I stir, her tail goes and she licks my feet if they are sticking out of the blankets. Whenever I see her with her eyes wide open, I smile. It’s those big brown eyes.

She will wait for an hour if she has to, when I move she wriggles quietly up the bed for a scratch and a nose for her to lick. Every day starts out bright, and it is for me to mess it up somehow. She does her part.

She is the Queen of Sweet.


  1. Interesting because I could change the name and the species to Pancho, our 14 year old cat. He behaves in exactly the same loving way. He matured very slowly but is now very loving and very attached to us. We have not had such a loving, aware cat before. He has taken us by surprise in this way.

  2. Mine is the queen of “oh boy it’s another great day! “ I marvel at how dogs start each day fresh and unless they are ill or sadly, mistreated they greet each day enthusiastically. It sets the tone and helps on days when her humans don’t feel like it’s a great day. Dogs rule.

  3. Oh Jon you are so very lucky to have your sweet Zinnia! I used to have a lab , Male, and his name was Junior. He was like your Queen, follow me everywhere, sit at my feet. Give your baby a hug from me.

  4. Zinnia sure is The Queen of Sweet! I’ve got this photo as my screen saver and I think I’ll just hug my computer screen for a while! 🙂
    She’s adorable and the very definition of a “perfect” dog, in my opinion.

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