9 December

Help: Let’s Get The Mansion A Snowblower

by Jon Katz

The Mansion has asked my help in getting a residential-size snowblower.

They have a snow plowing contract, but they only remove snow that is more than three inches, and the Mansion has a huge driveway and areas close by that need to be cleared when it snows less (like the last three days.)

Light snow is forecast for days around here.

When that happens, the Mansion’s maintenance person has to hand shovel the long and circular driveway and outside areas so the residents can get out outside. Often, the aides end up doing the shoveling.

Without clearance, the residents can’t take walks or sit outside.

Since the Mansion Fund is down to $335 at the moment (Christmas), I’m asking for some help. The model I want to buy is lithium battered power and very light. It never needs gas and would be easy for the aides or the maintenance crew to use easily.

The reviews are universally ecstatic.

I could use some help. Any overage will be applied to the Mansion/Refugee Fund, which is always low at Christmas –  lots of Afghan refugee activity this year. I’m told there are 200 Afghan refugees in the Albany area now.

We are making sure everybody has food and blankets.

The blower I plan on buying today costs $331 dollars, it’s a Snow Joe, the best in the market, according to the experts. I have a smaller one on the farm, which works beautifully.

Small donations are welcome, so are larger ones, you can contribute via Paypal, [email protected] or Venmo, Jon-Katz-13. You can also contribute by check, Jon Katz, Mansion/Refugee Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

Thank you.


  1. I have a Snow Joe, too, and adore it. One ‘piece of advice’ (and I know how you hate advice) I would like to throw out about the Snow Joes is that it would be a good idea to have an extra battery; the charge only lasts maybe 40 min. and likely less if there’s more snow. I used to live in Salem and know the Mansion driveway- that’s definitely a ‘two charged batteries’ job. I bought an extra one for mine, and was so glad to have both charged and ready to go.

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